Looking over the past six years one might think Bush & Cheney are an axis of evil all their own. Their "War on Terror" has become "War on the American Constitution."
It isn't that the left hasn't been screaming this since the unveiling of the inappropriately named "Patriot Act", it's just that we were screaming at each other while being called names by the right.
Now, it seems, a slew of books have graced the shelves of our local book stores.
In excruciating detail, these tomes tell of torture and warrantless wiretaps; they show a relentless arrogation of power and abrogation of what were thought to be solid constitutional principles. In these books, apocalyptic delusions got us into Iraq and misjudgments have helped keep us there. The picture that emerges is so bleak that even serious journalists and scholars sometimes veer toward conspiracy theories.
After much soul searching over our recent past, I do wonder if we, collectively as a nation, can recover. Will the world ever forgive us for the arrogance and stupidity of a few? It was, after all, just that that lead us here in the first place. The arrogance of the executive branch to shove our troops into the fire without ever knowing the enemy, the stupidity of their actions, the tortures, the occupation of an innocent country, the lies and fabrications that brought down more than a once great nation. It toppled our Constitution as well.
I do not look to the future and see peace. I see more of the same. I see this country back sliding so far and so fast, I don't believe there is a way out. We have slid back past the days of our first King George and smacked into the Salem witch trials. What can we do to stop this descent?
We can take a lesson from history maybe. You do remember how the Salem witch trials were stopped... don't you?
The fascist boots are marching.
You're testing my memory on this one. I have trouble remembering what I did last week, so going back more than 300 years is going to be tough.
The answer is......they ran out of witches?
I hope it doesn't get that bad now but it could, although burning 10s of millions of people that oppose the bushjunta may be beyond even their abilities. More likely though is that the powers that be will just simply leave us to rot after they've milked this country for all it's worth and move on to Dubai.
Have you read Daniel Elsberg's recent piece...."A coup has occured"?
From the stolen election of 2000 and through the disenfranchised election of 2004, do we really believe and trust this adnimistration with its 'yes' puppets, the chimp and his ventriloquist to admit it's mistakes and turn this country around?
No, we do not.
Taking a page out of our country's history, we have had presidents that have performed poorly on a few policies. Nixon is known for his stellar foreign policies and economics that increased productivity, but failed miserably on almost all domestic issues and the conflict in southeast Asia, and was caught 'red handed' in the Watergate scandle, stealing documents from the Democratic office located in the hotel. For that, he resigned the presidency because he knew he couldn't get away with it.
President Carter is credited with having outstanding policies in most domestic issues for Americans but was very weak on foreign policies in trade that resulted in inflation, but was credited in bringing PEACE between Egypt and Isreal.
What REAL accomplishments can be cited from this self-proclaimed "war" president that can be said without invoking the attack he allowed on New York and 'sacrificing', not their's, but OUR civil liberties in the name of fighting the terrorism that he has created for us while allowing China to absorb our debt he created with his "war"?
At any time, China can call in our debt. On an economic scale, this could bankrupt our country. Does this sound familliar? Didn't this country bankrupt the FORMER Soviet Union almost seventeen years ago by forcing it to overspend beyond its ability to pay off its creditors?
Wars are not the only thing to vanquish a nation.
Yes, this is reminicent of the Salem witch trials because of the fear this administration has created, and anyone who speaks out against the policies or the 'Party' are quickly silenced before the truth is revealed.
The Constitution is a living document, but is suffering from a bad case of the Dub-ya. The only prescription available to save the Constitution is to administer impeachment hearings to the entire cabal that is running our country into the ground. Remember Arabusto, the first of many companies scrub ruined. Remember Texas, one of many places the former governor calls home, whose policies only benefitted companies to pollute while spending on public education dwindled to many children left behind. The lottery is a joke solution to fund public schools. It was supposed to contribute up to 35% to 45% upon the existing budget. Now, it barely contributes 1% to 1.5% on a reduced budget of 10% to 12%.
Want more?
Outsourcing! Need I say more? The GAO (General Accounting Office) states that the jobless rate is at 4%, which is good. What they don't tell you is that the figure is based on unemployment registration. Those who have exhausted their benefits and are still unemployed and are not counted. Their numbers far exceed the current unemployment figures almost ten times the estimated figure. It's not because they're unable or unwilling to get jobs, it's because they cannot get the jobs that can sustain their families as their previous jobs did. Yet, some of them still voted for the idiot occupying the White House.
From professional technicians to service sector workers. Scrub did create jobs, but not the kind that pays well. Technically, scrub did not create jobs. Through outsourcing, he has created the means to rid the middle-class to keep only the other two classes: the rich and the poor.
Let's remind those motherfuckers at GOPInc. that the Constitution is NOT a roll of Charmin!
great post about something so awful...I never thought we would see this , OUR Backbone of democracy shredded beyond repair....can we save what is left...are we running out of time...476 days to go...love your blog..
Our only hope is to trust that the enormous evil being propagated upon the world by our government is creating an equally powerful force of peace and love. The rules of karma cannot be ignored and the universe always balances the dark with light.
Jim: Loud and clear, yet only a few of us actually hear them.
Paul: The governor and his lovely wife took a visit to Salem to watch the witch burnings. During which, someone accused his wife...
I have not read that, but thanks for the link! I'll be reading it next.
Gunner: Standing ovation ensues!!
Anj: Damn well said my friend!
enigma: Thanks so much! I do wish I had more time to devote. I am, for a while, helping a friend who owns a bakery. Had I known the "helping" was a 6 day a week, 10 hour day job...
Fallen: My son and I actually just had this conversation over a nice bottle of Pinot. (Yes, I am that old.) He completely agrees with you. He says it may not be this year, or the next... but bad karma will get them. He says that for every ounce of bad karma you give, you get back a pound. I can't wait for the earth shaking thud myself.
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