We had a great trip west, longer than expected, but fun none the less.
We found a great little apartment here. It's rather empty, our furniture won't arrive for another few weeks.
I have a lot of catching up and researching to do so this is all I am posting for the moment. This picture was taken at the New Mexico Welcome Station. I looked at my husband and scowled, "Did you make a wrong turn?"
Looking confused, he shook his head, "No, why?"
"Well look at that sign! You took us right to the White House!"
Now, Ziem, don't insult poisonous snakes and insects by comparing them with the current administration...
(Seriously, it's good to see you on the blog again.)
Welcome back!
Why thank you so much you two! It's nice to be back.
lol Steve, you have a point there!
Welcome back. Where are you living? I used to live in Tucson (went to U of A). Love the Southwest. Go, Bill Richardson!
I must agree with Steve Bates! Based on what I just heard from the BBC, there were also a bat colony found in some wounded veterans' facility, which makes me to believe that the likes of Chaney now posses the skill of metamorphosis. My money is on that they are blood sucking variety, too.
I'm in Prescott noosance. I have in-laws in Tucson. I just love calling New York and discussing the weather!
lol pekka, I believe you're right.
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