Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bush wants $100 billion more for wars

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- President Bush will soon seek about $100 billion in additional emergency funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a House report Wednesday.
Filed by Democratic staffers for two key panels in the House, the report's revelations mark a rapid escalation in the cost of the Iraq war at a time when public support is plummeting.
In a broad report criticizing Republicans' fiscal decisions, Democratic staffers on the House Appropriations Committee and House Budget Committee also noted that Congress has already appropriated about $379 billion for the war in Iraq.
"The administration is expected to submit an additional request early next year that will total roughly $100 billion. At least three-quarters of this request will support operations in Iraq," according to the report.

To get the real gist of this, let us recap:

• NEW: Report says Pres. Bush wants $100 billion more for Iraq, Afghanistan
• Congress already had appropriated about $379 billion for the war in Iraq
• Congress approved $70 billion for wars in the current fiscal year

My question is, how much have we spent on the American people? How much money have we spent on body armor for the troops?

This wars over-spending is driving our great grandchildren into a massive debt. Which in itself, is bad enough, but when so little is actually used for our troops and so little for the health, welfare and well being of our own people, it seems to put these figures into perspective. Halliburton and Exxon/Mobile aren't making enough in profits.

Are we really ready to let this administration spend us into bankruptcy without ever giving back to it's peoples? Take a good look at the poor, elderly and tell them it is. Take a good look at the homeless, look at the poor children going without lunches in school, look at the middle class sliding into poverty due to the spiking gas prices, the elderly that go without health care and pricey medications. Look the Katrina victims that still have no home or hope and tell them bushco's little war is more important.


Anonymous said...

Ok this may be a bit off the point but doesn't seem awfully strange that all the Democrats running this past year ran against "Bush's War" yet if we check the voting record we find that most of them voted in support of said action. if we learned nothing else from Vietnam it should be if we are going to stick our nose in another country's business then we need to be prepared to see it through to the end. I.E. Fight to win!! Peace with honor is a lie, it does not exist. Most liberals have always claimed that this war was about oil. So, I think that if we had any chutzpah we'd go in take the oil and use the profits to finance this expedition. Makes sense to me. It would relieve a burden on the taxpayer and our national debt. I've always said that if I am going to be accused of doing something without any basis in fact then I might as well do it if I'm going to blamed for it anyway. :)

Ziem said...

First off, go read "Oil Companys Claim Victory."
Secondly, no one single congressman voted for this war. Not one. What they did vote for was to allow the prez to use "force - if neccessary". Which was a cute lil' spin bush pulled on kerry in '04, but anyway, back to the subject.
We have no right being in Iraq. We have no right taking their oil, we have no right to dictate their way of life or their government. Would you like it if you were an Iraqi?
However, I don't think I know a single liberal that disagreed with going into Afghanistan. And, what about that war? What about OBL? Why, when you have the backing of your country and the world, would you go off and bomb the shit out of Iraq? Why would you no longer, if you ever did, care about the people of Afghanistan? About OBL?
I won't answer that, can you?