Sunday, October 21, 2007

Floppin' & Flippen'

Something has nagged me for the last week or so. It has to do with the child health care bill that Bush vetoed. I just got angrier the more I thought about it, yet I couldn't pin point the exact why.
Then, I picked it apart. It wasn't one reason, it's many. So, this is my rant...

Conservatives hate the plan. Let's examine why.

First, they are bitching and whining about the cost. Yet Bush's little Iraq war (remember "cake walk", "seen as liberators"...?) is costing the poor taxpayer hundreds of thousands per MINUTE! And that's just fine with them. I don't mean poor tax payer as in I feel sorry for them. I mean poor as in not wealthy. With the tax breaks for the rich, it is the poor and middle class that will pay. Besides, us evil smokers are the ones footing this bill, and I would pay happily for it.

Now, money aside, let's talk about the self proclaimed moral majority. These people want to banish abortion. They want abortion illegal, for any and all reasons. They insist stem cell research shall never be in their lifetime. Now, these hypocrites, demanding that you carry, birth and raise a child you can't afford, refuse to lift a penny to help that child. If a child's life is so damn important to these.... people, then why is caring for their health so bad to them?

Don't even get me started on the Christian right!

Do you remember Bush calling Kerry a "flip-flopper"? If you do, you might remember the 2004 campaign where Bush himself rode the vote train on promising to pass a bill such as this one. Flop-Flip-Lie. In vetoing the bill, he made a statement that "The middle class wants a right of passage.." or something similar. Funny, I didn't think we had a middle class anymore.

Six years ago, I was doing well. My husband and I made about $100 or so a year. We had a nice little house and traveled, raised three sons... We were living the American dream. Now, six years later, we have two in college and one coastie. Both of the college boys are basically self supporting though we do help them with food and books and some odd expenses. We make about the same, kids all moved out and we moved down two steps on the "Class Meter". The cost of living has sky rocketed to the point that put us one step up over the poverty line. I can't even fathom starting with less six years ago.

The Right does not what health care for children to have a human face. They want to call themselves "kinder & gentler" but the fact is, that they are cold hearted. They want to talk about dying children as abstract theory. They resent the idea that we might say, "We are talking about real children and this what they look like." How else are we and the American people to keep our focus on the real significance and impact of the policies that we are discussing. The Republicans are outraged now, but they have no qualms about using children as poster children for their favorite causes like "freedom of no choice" and denying life saving stem cell research. That is perfectly okay.


Anonymous said...

Great perspective on this. Thanks.

Frederick said...

They want to abolish abortion because then they think people (specifically white people) will have more babies.

fallenmonk said...

I don't even have a kid in college and I can see the changes in my living standard in the last few years. I can't believe how long we have to wait for this nightmare to be over.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Nice rant. One more thing. The increased cost of SCHIP was paid for, as opposed to other things like, uh..say...this fucking war!

Steve Bates said...

"They want to call themselves "kinder & gentler" but the fact is, that they are cold hearted. They want to talk about dying children as abstract theory." - Ziem

Ziem, you said a mouthful! (Wrote a browser window full?) The Bushists don't give a good damn if anyone other than their families and cronies lives or dies. The main difference lately is that they are more and more public about their deplorable views; there's a kind of "what're you gonna do about it?" tone in their pronouncements.

Like everyone on this thread, I had it pretty good a decade ago. But my standard of living has declined considerably since Bush took office (words chosen deliberately), and not just because I'm trying to have a smaller environmental footprint. As available contracts dwindle, so does my bank account. All of you know the feeling, I'm sure. And the Bushists don't give a damn. They just don't care.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

You said it my PIC!!! Those fucking morons could care less about our children unless it will help them get ahead in one way or another BASTARDS!!!! We are FORCED to pay for this lie of a fucking war yet American children can't get health care? Fuck That!!! Sorry to go off like this but this latest bunch of B.S. has really pissed me off! BTW I haven't been blogging due to extremely busy at work but I will soon PROMISE! ; - )

Anonymous said...
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Ziem said...

I hate spam almost as much as I hate this administration.....

sumo said... hit the nail on the head. I definitely have been hit in the pocket book too. It is true also...that they only care for their own...and the rest of us can go south.

Anonymous said...

Where are you, Laine?

Ziem said...

Sorry my friends, I've been a traveling fool here. I'll be back as soon as I land on my front door!

enigma4ever said...

hey there have not seen you around in a bit...are you okay ? Hope are you are okay...please stop over to watergate summer...just let me know that you are okay....

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!!


Anonymous said...
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All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

they need to focus on the econ. and the war..the new efforts and focus on surge and money will not work . sunni or latter

C.J. said...


What Bu$hCo has done to this country is despicable, evil and downright amoral. Moral majority MY ASS.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Ziems!!! Where did you go!???!!? Come back!

Love Angelo

Anonymous said...

Dear Ziems Views,

I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.


Adrian said...

where did you go? do you still blog? :)