Monday, August 27, 2007

Bedtime For Gonzo

"It has been one of my greatest privileges to lead the department of justice."

Alberto Gonzales August 27th 2007

And what a great leader he was!

He lead left leaning US Federal Prosecutors right out of their jobs.
He lead a nation, who prides itself on being moral and just, to redefine torture and not only allow it, embrace it.
He lead that same country to go against all that we stand for by banishing the term "POW" from this disaster that is called the "War on Terror". They, now being referred to as "Enemy Combatants", do not fall under the same rights as Prisoners of War. These "enemies" have no rights.

(Bush) called Gonzales a man of integrity, decency and principle. He said he had been reluctant to accept the resignation, which came after "months of unfair treatment that has created a harmful distraction at the justice department".

He would see it that way... wouldn't he?

So, good bye Gonzo. It's nice to know that you stayed true to the bushies form. You lied, were about to get caught, then bolted and ran for cover. You Helped in the destruction of the American Constitution. You have raped and pillaged every single American right and liberty. You helped the American people feel nice and safe as you sought, and won, to remove every ounce of dignity and privacy they had. You, with your fingerprint on the detainee bill, helped this country become even more hated. You proved to those who didn't like us, that they had solid ground to hate.

Oh, sleep well Gonzo you did the kings bidding and like many before you, paid the price. I certainly hope the pay was worth the destruction of a county.

Sweet dreams, and may you and all of your destructors of human life and democracy rot in hell. May the door hit you squarely in ass on your way out.


FunkyTown Fighter said...

Hey if the door doesn't hit him in the ass, I will more than gladly put my foot in his ass to help him on his way out!!! LOL......
Abhu Gonzo & Co. have definately helped to make us more hated than we already were, with their complete and total disrespect for anyone who does not agree with them and their warmongering, neocon, friends! I am glad he is leaving like a dog with his tail between his legs and am just waiting for the day we see Fuhrer do the same and walk the "walk of SHAME"!!!
BTW, it's GOOD to have you back my P.I.C. we missed you in the blogging world!

Steve Bates said...

Ziem, you're tied for cleverest headline of the day on this subject... someone on Huffington Post titled theirs "Gonezalez".

I'd say "good riddance to bad rubbish," except that Gonzo had every opportunity to be the American success story he pretends to be. But he didn't merely fall in with a bad crowd; he enthusiastically pushed their pernicious agenda, surely knowing what he was doing. There's no evidence that he's lacking in brains; quite the contrary. To me, that just makes him more blameworthy.

Steve Bates said...

Sigh. Of course the headline was "Gonezales" with a final "s" ... if I could spell, I'd be awesome! :-)

Tom Harper said...

If Gonzales' memory is one tenth as bad as he's pretended every time he's had to testify -- tomorrow morning he'll have no recollection of ever being the attorney general.

Who Hijacked Our Country

Snave said...

I think Tom nails it. What he said!~

Nice blog, BTW. I will link you at my place.

Undeniable Liberal said...

If Abu Gonzales is a man of integrity, then I am a saint, many times over. ;)~

Anonymous said...

A liar and a traitor at best. This fool belongs in prison and I'll bet he wouldn't even understand why he was being sent to jail.

Vigilante said...

Who among us has not had it up to 'here' with Bush's vacuous accolades of his flunkys?