Thursday, August 30, 2007

War Oil Treason - The Real WOT

In the last few days, amid Craig news, we have been beaten with the "Benchmarks" that the Iraqi government has failed to achieve. Three out of eighteen were. Bush is demanding, without yet seeing this report, that we give his "surge" more time to work. He's also demanding another 50 billion (yep! That's dollars) for his little war, all the while eyeing Iran.
With that in mind, think about this little benchmark:

Allow two-thirds of Iraq’s oil fields to be developed by private oil corporations. In contrast, the oil industry has been nationalized in every other major Middle Eastern producer for over 30 years.

Place governing decisions over oil in a new body known as the Iraqi Federal Oil and Gas Council, which may include foreign oil companies;

Open the door for foreign oil companies to lock up decades-long deals now, when the Iraqi government is at its weakest.

Ah the pivotal benchmark that has not been met!

We are not at war with Iraq. That now is certain. We are holding them hostage. And, with Iran years from a nuclear weapon, no wonder Bush is eyeing them so closely and taking every opportunity to point at Iran and blame. No nukes and lots of oil!

The left has insisted this war was not a war of terror, but a war for oil. We have been called anti-American. We have been been told we hate the troops and do not support them. We have been laughed at and ridiculed. Even though, we were absolutely right.

If you think about it, the only ones Bush and Co. has been able to hold hostage with his wars and his fear mongering are the right wings that, unfortunately, help occupy this country.

1 comment:

Vigilante said...


Yep, we are in occupation mode. We are being told all kinds of things to justify one thing: endless occupation of Iraq for two purposes (1) to get the oil & (2) to get Iran.