Sunday, September 23, 2007

Moveon Bush

The spoiled war mongering, oil thirsty king rants on and on about any differences of opinion. He stamps his little feet and throws himself on the floor, holding his breath if someone disagrees with his murderous, lying rampage. We know this, its no secret. Yet, we all know, it's gone too far.

The stragglers on the right, drool when the king speaks believing every lie that spews from it's foul mouth. The rest of us just stand in awe of it all.

The latest of these is the kings calling Moveon.orgs advertisement that criticized the top U.S. commander in Iraq was "disgusting." Well of course it was! The truth about this idiot king and his henchmen is always disgusting. Truthful, none-the-less.

It boggles the mind how anyone out there isn't screaming and marching up to the white house. It scares me that thirty percent of Americans still think the Iraqi's are terrorists and they still believe this is a just war and they still bow to their master, the almighty dollar and, mind you, do this all in the name of God.

Now, here's the ad. Moveon has backed every statement they make with links, proof, documentation and not the manufactured type like king shrub used to get us into this living hell, using the constitution as a fire starter.

Are they wrong? Are we done listening to his babble? Are we fed up with the lies, spins and name calling yet?

I'm sorry if I sound bitter and sarcastic. It is, unfortunately, how I feel. I, for one, have had enough.


Unknown said...

Fear mongering must be the new tactic staunch king scrub worshippers are using. The thirty some-odd percent are saying that us "liberals" are using global warming, resession, and especially the war (what I call the greatest mistake, or quagmire), to instill fear to get people to vote against the corporate (nazi) party.

The poor half-wit didn't realize that proof can be found on most major news networks, (except feaux noise), and irrefutable scientific research from many universities and independent think tanks.

Once the information was shown, it was back to denial and christian (the world is flat) science to try to dispute the evidential conclusions other world environmental scientists have found to be conclusive after decades of research.

That's the kind of scrub worshipper that makes up that 30-something percent.

Secret oil corporation meetings at the White House are still planning to take control of 80% of Iraqs' oil wells as soon as a permanent US base is built, and slimey-cheney is presiding over the Faustian court to dray up a new amendment to "replace" the one's that threaten their power, especially the First Amendment.

How much more must we take from this false idol that mocks our Constitution? How many more rigged major elections must we endure?
And, finally,... how long before Mephistopheles returns to collect the many souls that were sold to put the chimp and his gang of thugs in the White House?

Ziem said...

Gunner: Have you seen this?

It was a piece I did forever ago, an oldie but a goodie! You'll "love" the link!

Vigilante said...

Link didn't work for me, Ziem....

Unknown said...


The article you quoted has been in the planning stages since 2003, when frat boy made up his mind to invade Iraq under false pretences.

Slimey-cheney saw an opportunity and conveined the secret meetings with the oil CEO's, thinking that no one would find out. But we now know who caused these "leaks" to get around.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Typical game plan of these wank stains. Ignore the facts and attack the messenger.

Ziem said...

Sorry Vigil. You have to copy/paste it to your browser. (I need an html course) It's a piece I did that I found on market watch last year. The market watch link I have there will just piss you off.

Gunner, I know. Who was it that said that almost directly after 9/11/01, shrub ran around demanding that a link be found betweem sadaam and the terrorist attacks?

A friend of mine was in desert storm. He said he didn't see alot of action, just iraqi soldiers surrendering. Shoes with holes, not proper clothing, dehydrated, starved and guns so full of sand, they'd never fire. In fact, David said the weapons looked like relics from the 50's.

IMHO, how could an army such as this have any wmd's? I knew it was a lie when I heard the speach, then again, I am one of the sane and rational...

"Ignore the facts and attack the messenger."
That sums up the last 7 freaking years right there!