This is going to be interesting to watch.
We all remember the "they stand up and we'll stand down" proclamation by Bush, right? I always thought that a spin sentiment rather than a truism. How can a government stand up while still being occupied and controlled by the military and government of another country? So, if you think about it, that statement is nothing more than than a typical lie-spin to appease the doubters.
Now, throw in the monkey wretch.
The Iraqi government said Monday that it was revoking the license of an American security firm accused of involvement in the deaths of eight civilians in a firefight that followed a car bomb explosion near a State Department motorcade.
The Interior Ministry said it would prosecute any foreign contractors found to have used excessive force in the Sunday shooting. It was latest accusation against the U.S.-contracted firms that operate with little or no supervision and are widely disliked by Iraqis who resent their speeding motorcades and forceful behavior.
Interior Ministry spokesman Abdul-Karim Khalaf said eight civilians were killed and 13 were wounded when contractors believed to be working for Blackwater USA opened fire in a predominantly Sunni neighborhood of western Baghdad.
"We have canceled the license of Blackwater and prevented them from working all over Iraqi territory. We will also refer those involved to Iraqi judicial authorities," Khalaf said.
I now eagerly await the fall out of this one. My personal guess is the Interior Ministry will suddenly change their mind and reinstate the license, maybe a nice little kiss on the cheek, pat on the ass and it'll be back to business as usual.
I hope for that not to happen. I hope that they do stand up to the evil empire and throw our asses out of their bloodied country. I hope that the bushies eventually wake up and smell the gunpowder and see the death and destruction they have wrought. I hope their conscience haunts them for all eternity.
Yeah, that's not going to work.
You know, thinking about it more. If Blackwater leaves, they know something really bas is going down...and this might just be cover for them to get out with no one suspecting them of anything...
Maybe I'm just paranoid.
Jim... you may have a point!
Don't worry about being paranoid. It's a symptom of the administrations cronic lying... all us sane and rational have it.
The minister will find himself mysteriously blown up I'm afraid. The writing is on the wall for these people to think they are going to go against Dick Cheesey's will...that contract was purchased days ago.
No-bid contracts at work! Under breach of contract, Blackwater will have to forfeit monetary expenditures not used to fulfil contract requirements. Under this breach, they may fall into Iraqi Civil Law jurisdiction to settle lawsuits and/or face criminal homicide charges.
It's strange how some things can come to full circle: those who thought they were immune from prosecution are now facing possible murder charges. How will cheney and the gang get out of this one?
Will king george intervene or just make things worse? Under surmounting scrutiny from the American people, what double-standard will be used to justify criminal activity?
I'm counting on the blame game and how they'll use it to blame President Clinton. Remember the "no accountability" this busharchy uses to pass the buck.
Drunk with power and Jack Daniels, scrub will deny fault and cheney will find a way to blame Democrats while using fear to justify such activity to the American people. Only the gullable will buy it when told to do so on Feaux Noise and from Runt Pillpopper (rush limbaughm).
Seems to me the Iraqi government has started acting like a government, which has been one of the goal of the boy king. Lets see how long it takes the neocons to start complaining that the the Iraqi government is being arrogant and acting too independent from their overloads
This will be interesting to watch, indeed.
Whenever a bigtime Republican campaign contributing billionaire's company is in danger of losing a lot of money, Condi will always 'put in a call'.
When the smoke cleared after the second world war, there were trials, in Nuremberg.
A total of 24 prominent military officials, mostly Germans, were tried, and ten were hanged,the rest imprisoned.
Stalin proposed executing 50,000 germans to show the world that right wing fecktards would never again be tolerated in Europe.
Churchill argued for trials, the americans went along with him
Perhaps Powell, Petraues, Rumsfeld, and all the other neo-con nutjobs should be starting to realise that they too may be headed for the courts, in handcuffs.
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