My husband and I took a little road trip through Jerome and into Sedona. The ride was stunning though littered with "Vote for so and so" signs. It's an election year, so this is to expected. What wasn't was the elimination of one thing. Democrat and Republican.
Two years ago each displayed their party affiliation proudly. Now, "Republican" is like a bad word, not to be uttered in public. Considering "Truth in Advertising" I suggest we completely do away with party affiliation and just go with "For the people" and "In it for the cash Baby!"
I'm certainly not saying that all democrats are great and all republicans are bad. Though, I've yet to find a sane and rational republican... there has to be one, right?
I just think that if you're so proud to be something, anything, display it. Don't hide it, especially from voters. For example, If Bush ran again it should be labeled "Asshole" and Cheney, if he chooses to run for anything should be labeled "Anti-Christ". Got anything better?
I think you've done quite well yourself...I'm not clever that way. Anti-Christ...heh...that was a good one!
Dumb and Dumber comes to mind, although that's a ittle too generous.
Evil and more evil?
We have a repub governor now in florida who acts like a dem. I often wonder if he is really at heart a dem, but knew if he was in that party the jerks down here would not elect him.
I hope the only time bush runs again is when the world court is chasing him down.
If you should "find a sane and rational republican", please let me know. I'm trying to find one to compliment each Friday. But "it's hard work."
(And, here it is Thursday night already!)
That pick is awesome!!
I've yet to find a sane and rational republican... there has to be one, right?
Sorry my P.I.C. but you will never find one so save yourself the trouble ok? Now as for labels for those two Bastards Murderers 1 & 2 comes to mind!!!!
Nowadays, there aren't many people admitting to being staunch republicans, as they, themselves, feel as if they were the victims of being misled. That, however, is really not the case.
They were the gullable ones who believed that the r-party would make them wealthier, only to realize after six years of "prosperity", that the only ones who prospered were the extremely rich 1% of Americans and their corporate friends who "influenced" ($) national elections and "legally" bribed election officials to put the deserter in office.
For the few republicans who still feel "morally" superior in their false righteousness, how does it feel to be misled and used by their own r-party with most of their promises broken, only to see that same-sex couples are still being married and other states are finding that those who marry are doing so within the constitution of the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
How does the feeling of betrayal sit with stem-cell research continuing now that pharmaceutical corporations made their voices ($) heard among their "elected" officials?
It is not WE who should be looking for a sane and rational republican, but rather the opposite. Those who can rise up and admit to themselves that these are not the true virtues of conservatism, but rather the whims of a spoiled frat brat dictator who does not consider them worthy of his attention, but only for show.
Those who can rise up and see past the fear and propaganda that has divided a nation and turned its citizens against one another by party affiliation and religious belief.
Let it be them to come back into enlightenment to see the error of their ways.
Those who can, surely deserves to be forgiven and have their honor restored upon them.
Honor and respect are earned, not given, especially to a deserter who failed to fulfill his Air National Guard obligation.
We cannot let hate and fear manifest itself again, as it did in the 1950's during Sen. Joe McCarthy's reign. We, as Americans are above that ideology.
For the vast majority of gullable Americans that were hypmotized by the slogans and banter of the continuing republican propaganda machine, who ask "why me" when they wake up from their own nightmare, the answer should be "because you were gullable".
Woo Hoo Gunner! Well said my man!
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