Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Answer to Malkin

This is proof positive that the clueless and the stupid still roam this country.

I read this and was about to make a comment when I realized that it was impossible without dropping several "F" bombs. So, instead, I came up with my own.

I am a loyal republican.

I will take the side of the president of the United States, at all costs. I will consider any action taken by my government to be proper, and defend the position of any murderer, child molester, bigot, war profiteer, war mongerer as long as he is a republican. I will stand by while the concepts of freedom and liberty are allowed to deteriorate. I will convince all other nations they are an axis of evil and must be destroyed without ever caring for their needs or wants or way of life.

I am a loyal republican.

I will tell all Americans that 9/11 gives us the power to do whatever the fuck we want to. I will work to destroy Islam. I will strive to kill off our military by sending them into harms way for no other reason than bush, exxon and halliburton wants to. I shall encourage death to all who disagrees with me.

I am a loyal republican.

I shall stir up domestic unrest by separating my fellow citizens into groups, and then I will encourage each group to distrust the next, and convince each that I am their one true friend. Through this magnificent deception, I will rule them all. I will convince minorities including homosexuals that they are inferior. Once I have them suspicious of others and fully demoralized, I will keep them down, and make their every gain dependent on what I decide to let them do. I shall oppress minorities worse than any avowed racist could ever hope to.

I am a loyal republican.

I will tell the American people they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifist for lack of patriotism, and expose the country to greater danger.

I am a loyal republican.

I will make every effort to keep the rich, rich and hinder those that have less. In spite of my lack of personal merit, I will elevate myself in the eyes of others by bringing people with actual character down. I will not care for my fellow human beings. I will care only for my own wealth. I will not allow you to do or be anything my God disapproves of - whether I know what that is or not. I will not care about the environment if that means hindering my own wealth.

I am a loyal republican.

I will promote tyranny, oppression and dictatorship. I will agree to crush those and torture those who do not agree. And when we are all financially destitute and controlled by a dictatorship government, I shall laugh at the destruction I have wrought, for I truly hate mankind.

I am a loyal republican.
I will go down in history as worse than the German government of the 40's and for that, I will be grateful.

So sorry madam malkin, some of us actually see you as what you are, a stupid, careless, arrogant bitch.


Anonymous said...

aahhhh! This is great!

Ziem said...

Why thank you kind sir! I read hers... pissed me off. You know how us blonde liberals are.... ;o)

fallenmonk said...

Excellent Ziem. A masterful response.

Bun E said...

Malkin is such a silly little person. Thanks for counter. It was ggod fun.

Ziem said...

You're quite welcome. It was my MM vent. She makes me do that quite often...