Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Cheneys Dick Energy Policy

Cheney's Fund Manager Attacks ... Cheney

The oil-based energy policies usually associated with Vice President Dick Cheney have just come under scathing attack. There's nothing remarkable about that, of course -- except the person doing the attacking.

"Successive U.S. administrations have taken little interest in either oil substitution or climate change," he writes, "and the current one has even seemed to have a vested interest in the idea that the science of climate change is uncertain."

Yet "there is now nearly universal scientific agreement that fossil fuel use is causing a rise in global temperatures," he writes. "The U.S. is the only country in which environmental data is steadily attacked in a well-funded campaign of disinformation (funded mainly by one large oil company)."

That's Exxon Mobil.

Now, at the risk of repeating myself, isn't this just what libs have been saying all along?

Not to kick a gift horse, but it's about damn time this truth came out, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

When I moved to California, my first election out here was for Al Gore. I was excited and it made me feel part of the community to be voting in my new state...then the dark times.

Since then, I voted for Governor Gray Davis...overturned for Arnold.

Then for Kerry...

But then cam 2006! I got to vote for Waxman!

I remember hearing that Arnold had met with Enron before deciding to run....Enron...why? Well one of his main attack points on Davis was energy failure...brown-outs, etc.

Lies, lies, lies.

Anonymous said...

Wow, man bites a dog!

Well orchestrated attacks by the usual suspects, the oil and goal lobby etc., with their pseudo-science biostitutes (prostitutes) has done their damaging deeds, but one can just feel the change in the air lately. There is an huge shift in the attitudes of the people all over the world. However, the fossiles like the right honourable Dick Cheney will stay the course, for the obvious reason, even if he must stand neck deep in the permanent flood water in his corporate headquarters. But, of course, he is what he is due to the fact that he has spent the last 65 million years where the Sun doesn't shine.

Faded said...

I will never understand why so-called fiscal conservatives don't get this! They have to know how insanely criminal that war profiteering and no-bid contracts have been for our country.

Cronyism and this govt funding of fake Rebuilding killed any chance of some form of good we might have done in Iraq.
