Thursday, February 8, 2007

Explain This!

Let me see if I have this right. We, the American people, are to give up civil liberties, allow torture, be in debt for the next million years or so, have our e-mail read, phone conversations listened to, pay a fee to stand in long lines at the airport, endure FBI watch lists and listen as we are told to fear terrorists. We waged a war on "terror" against an undeserving nation. We lost our good standing in the world. All for why? Fear.

If we are afraid of a terrorist attack, affraid of the evil-doers and that axis of evil, then please explain this:

Anti-terror funding slashed in NYC, D.C.


Anonymous said...

There you go. That is the heart of the matter. Just like when Bush Jr. didn't want to give the 20 billion dollars he promised to NYC after 9/11. All hat.

fallenmonk said...

Your problem Madam is that you are expecting a rational and reasoned behavior from our current administration. Relax. We just have to wait long enough for the grownups to take charge. Don't ask when that will be but that is what will have to happen sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

It must have been your President, Franklin D. Roosevelt who said,"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". The present priznet might have said it like this,"spook them suckers for the bottom line".

Anonymous said...

There's a fairly simple explanation for cutting NYC and DC-the terrorists have already struck there and will be looking for other targets next time.

The Bush admin. found that out by listening in on telephone calls but they can't really tell you that because it's top secret.

Steve Bates said...

And yet, stram, DC and NYC will be targets pretty much forever. If we're going to adapt our lives to the possibility of terrorism... and I'm convinced it does not benefit us to do so... NYC and DC are places that should be protected. The hypocrisy of promoting fear and simultaneously slashing those budgets should be emphasized every time the fearmongers start their routines.

Personally, I think we should give up nothing of our civil liberties, stand up tall, and say that risks like these are something Americans must always face in defense of the fundamental principles we hold dear.

Ben Franklin said it better (as I believe you, Ziem, quote in your masthead, though I can't see it while writing a comment), but that's the essence: Americans put their fears aside and live their values, eyes wide open.


(Pekka, not one in a hundred Americans could say that FDR quote correctly word for word, but you did exactly that. Thank you.)