Dems challenge Bush's power to wage war
It was a united dream that the new congress stood up to this tyrant and his merry men. We, collectively, applauded the first 100 hours. Then, we sat, holding our breadth, waiting. We waited for the "Hell No!" rubber stamp to be used. We waited for the hand slap that needed to be in regards to Iran and the troop "surge" and the clusterfuck bushco called a budget. What we saw was something a bit different. We saw talks and compromise and name calling.
Just as I was about to abandon all hope, I read this:
Murtha, D-Pa., is preparing legislation that would set strict conditions on combat deployments, including a year rest between combat tours; ultimately, the congressman says, his measure would make it impossible for Bush to maintain his planned deployment of a total of about 160,000 troops for months on end.
Murtha's proposal also might block the funding of military operations inside Iran — a measure intended to send a signal to Bush that he will need Congress' blessing if he is planning another war.
"The president could veto it, but then he wouldn't have any money," Murtha told an anti-war group in an interview broadcast on
and this:
In an interview Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., noted that Bush consistently said he supports a diplomatic resolution to differences with Iran "and I take him at his word."
At the same time, she said, "I do believe that Congress should assert itself, though, and make it very clear that there is no previous authority for the president, any president, to go into Iran."
We may not see a standing congress, but they did make it up to their knees. Maybe, with a little luck, they'll be able to stand up to the usual:
"The enemy wants our men and women in uniform to think their Congress doesn't care about them," said Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, who was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. "We must learn from our mistakes. We cannot leave a job undone like we left in Korea, like we left in Vietnam, like we left in Somalia," Johnson said.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, called the political maneuvering by Democrats "extremely dangerous."
"It could stop reinforcements from arriving in time to stop major casualties in any of a number of scenarios," said Hunter.
Democrats will have to fight critics in the Senate as well.
"I will do everything in my power to ensure the House resolution dies an inglorious death in the Senate," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
Do you think these clueless republicans know the truth? The enemy is their own president and "extremely dangerous" is staying in Iraq and worse, invading Iran? And, what the hell is this "job undone"? What was the job? Finding WMD's? Hanging Saddam? Stealing 75% of their oil? If so... then Mission Accomplished! Now, get us the hell out!
These GOP types insisting that the surge is a good idea are just trying to preserve their fat cat status. The really know better. Let's hope Murtha can get the job done.
First Afghanistan, then they left to jump into Iraq without capturing Osama or breaking the back of the Taliban. Then Iraq- a war we don't need and NOW they are salivating to attack Iran without tying up all the loose ends in Iraq.
I seriously don't understand why the military itself hasn't rebelled against the mindboggingly idiotic war plans these neocon nincompoops dream up..
Murtha's fighting the good fight. Hillary and Pelosi and Reid and Feingold are standing up saying they won't approve Bush attacking Iran. State governments are standing up against this useless surge. And more Americans are standing up to say - No damn more. No more damn money and no more damn American lives. We all have a part- I think mainly now we need to stay on our Reps and make sure they implement the will of the American people.
But with our signing statement President who ignores the Supreme court- no one knows what will happen. If he escalates a war in Iran before Congress can stop him, what WILL we do? We really need to push for impeachment, to defang this rabid dog of a president even further.
If he crosses yet another line, will Congress stand up to him, or fall in line for "security"?
What Murtha is going to do is stop the madness of sending 18 year olds over there to die after only had a few months training.
Those now in charge don't seem to mind that travesty but a 30+ year Marine like Murtha does.
Come to think of it, where are those Bush twins?
Agreed Stram! If their daddy wants whatever this is finished - I say he send them. That way, at least he can pretend to be human.
Did you realize, that America has a dog as a president? I don't know what his breed is but he enjoys to hunt his own tail. Round and round he goes and naturally never catching anything. This would stop an average dog but this is a very special one who makes us all feeling a bit sicker by the minute. I can hear his bark; "If I just chase the tail with this new vigor, catching it will be just around the corner"!
pekka: well put! and so accurate! lol
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