Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Warn Out Excuses

Iran rejects US arms allegations

This is worthy of repeating. It seems to me that if the world sees it, liberals see it, American Generals see it, republicans are beginning to see it, then why in the hell can't congress!?

The Iranian embassy in Baghdad has dismissed US charges that its agents had smuggled bombs to Shia fighters in Iraq.

"It's not true. It's not fair. Iran did not supply those weapons. It is like America's former statements against Saddam Hussein about the weapons of mass destruction," an Iranian diplomat told AFP on Monday.

Before their invasion of Iraq in 2003, US officials accused the then Iraqi president of stockpiling chemical weapons. These claims were later disproved and American officials now admit they were mistaken.

On Sunday, an anonymous group of senior US officials showed journalists what they said was proof that Iranian agents had smuggled weapons to Iraq, including "explosively formed penetrators", a form of roadside booby-trap.

These bombs, they said, have killed 170 American and allied troops and wounded 620 more since May 2004.

US defence officials refused to allow reporters to name them or record their briefing, but released pictures of reported Iranian arms.

Am I the only one who sees the BS and the loopholes here?


Anonymous said...

Dear Ziem, you are not alone with your doubts. I can assure you, that no thinking person, regardless of the party affiliation, can trust the official word coming out of the White House these days. Outside that hard core 28%, there is so much distrust and skeptisism about anything Bush&Co says or does. Goes to show, how far this limbo team has lowered the believability stick.

Ziem said...

I agree pekka. But why the discussion in congress? I mean, we are the majority. It's time to pull these poor guys out of Iraq, close bushco's blank check account and get back to the American people. We all know this. Isn't it time we stop playing politics and start getting the jobs done?

ps: e-mail me, I need to ask you something.