Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Who Me??

Vice President Dick Cheney seemed surprised in 2003 when told where his chief of staff had learned the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame.

From me?" Cheney asked, tilting his head, according to the grand jury testimony of the aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who is on trial on charges of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI

Ah yes, denial of the fittest. Granted this Grand Jury is not asking about an affair, a blow job or anything of that nature. Instead, they are asking about the destruction of a woman's life and career. Why destroy it? Because her husband had the audacity to call out this administration on the Iraq WMD lies.

The question is, will these people be tried for their roll? Will Libby swing alone? Will we ever get to "hang" them for the lies that cost hundreds of thousands of lives? Nope, I don't believe we will. Yet, we are still hearing all about Clinton's blow job, as if that cost us thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives.

The outcome of this trial should be interesting. But we all know it won't be. It'll be predictable, Libby will swing for the crimes and lies of his boss. They will, in turn, continue with the lies and war mongering and all with their collective lips firmly planted on the ass of Exxon.


Anonymous said...

Ziem, you are such a delightfylly depressing lady! It's just too bad, that your murky take on this subject propably is the correct one.

The Monika Gate was almost an end to Clinton's presidency while European leaders, such as Chirac and Berlusconi, humped anything that moved to the delight of their "subjects". Exposing a nipple (Ms. Jackson) almost brought America to stand still, while the boys in the White House conduct domestic and international crimes with impunity. Some cultural differences, wouldn't you agree?

Ziem said...

Ziem, you are such a delightfylly depressing lady!

Why thank you... I think. lol

I find myself stamping my feet like a two year old demanding "make it stop!" and then, I growl.

It is sad that the neocons think a blow job is worse than the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocents. I am working on a piece - why neocons can't be Christians. I think it goes well here, don't you?

Anonymous said...

You have that rare combination of black humor and wisdom that makes your voice, as I mentioned before, delightful. I sense that your text comes through a lot of pain and that, despite what the prevailing notion about love of you country is all about, you do love America. I hope that soon, in not too distant future, you will get your country back from the reckless hurd of neo-cons that have diminished it to the level we find it today!