Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hard Hitters

The VoteVets.org activist group is pulling no punches in its vocal attacks on President Bush and supporters of his Iraq policies.
VoteVets.org, a political action group affiliated with a coalition of left-leaning organizations including MoveOn.org, ran an ad (only in certain markets) where Iraq war veterans, including an amputee, spoke out against President Bush’s “surge.”

This is one of the more interesting interviews I have read in quite a while.

We all know shrub will never read it. He wouldn't put an ounce of stock in it if he did. But should these voices be heard? Should they be considered?

Does your position about the war describe the way you felt when you went to Iraq, or is it something that developed during your time there?When I went to Iraq I drank all the Kool-Aid. I still remember thinking about what we were going to do when we found all these weapons of mass destruction. We thought we were going over there to fight the people that attacked this country. Then, when you start seeing things for yourself, when you start hearing things like the president saying, “Bring it on,” it dawns on you that you haven’t been told the truth.

Why did you accuse Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of “aiding the enemy”?
He’s filibustering a debate on the surge. He’s denying Congress the opportunity to send a clear message to the president that his strategy isn’t working. As far as I’m concerned, we’re not winning, and that’s not good. Osama bin Laden is still at large, we’re playing reindeer games in Iraq, and this man is denying American soldiers the democratic debate they deserve. He’s supporting a policy that’s bad for the military, bad for the troops and makes the country less secure. Supporting a policy that’s not effective surely benefits the enemy more than finding one that is.

The entire interview is just wonderful. My personal favorite was when he called cheney a draft dodger.

My guess is the neocons would call this guy a traitor and anti-american. Bets?

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