Thursday, May 3, 2007

Freedom of Speech??

I find this a bit interesting. Mr. Veto stamp wielding Bush has set his rubber sights on yet another piece of legislation. This one being the hate crime bill.

This bill was revised to include sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability.

Think about this. The same man who defies the constitutional rights of many Americans with his warrantless wiretapping and "no-fly" list, is saying that this is an infringement of freedom of speech.

The White House, in a statement, said state and local criminal laws already provide penalties for the crimes defined by the bill and “there has been no persuasive demonstration of any need to federalize such a potentially large range of violent crime enforcement.”

It also questioned the constitutionality of federalizing the acts of violence barred by the bill and said that if it reaches the president's desk “his senior advisers would recommend that he veto the bill.”

The White House also noted that the bill would leave out other classes such as the elderly, members of the military or police officers.

Hate crimes under current federal law apply to acts of violence against individuals on the basis of race, religion, color, or national original. Federal prosecutors have jurisdiction only if the victim is engaged in a specific federally protected activity such as enrolling in school, voting or traveling between states.

So, hate crimes against homosexuals fall under freedom of speech? I don't know what state you live in and what your laws are, but in New York and Arizona, the killing of a police officer warrants the death penalty. So why add them?

Is it just me or does the right seem to think it possesses a high moral ground? Do they truly believe this? Why would a leader of a country that is supposedly working for all of the people of his country veto this bill? Why would a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, friend of any homosexual vote for such a party?


Anonymous said...

I heard Bush was going to use a pen once owned by James Byrd Jr. to sign the veto.

Ziem said...

The upside of this bill Stram, is that republicans don't fall under the hate crime category either.

I cried over Byrds killing. How could anything that claims to be human do that?

Pam said...

Pot meet kettle.

Every time I think he has sunk to a new low, he sinks even further.

Vigilante said...

Pam, you don't know how low he can sink. He promises to veto hate crimes legislation on the day that the Secret Service has to assign a detail to Senator Barak Obama.

fallenmonk said...

They just have to throw their scraps of support to the wingnuts on the right. This bill does something positive for gays...not allowed.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

He is a BASTARD and A SELF RIGHTEOUS DICTATOR! I support the hate crime bill 100% I have a gay uncle, and he has been with his partner MY GAY UNCLE TOO, for well over 30 years they have been together since before I was born all my memories have ALWAYS been of my uncles together and I can honestly tell you if anyone ever hurt them or any of my gay fiends someone would meet their maker! I'll start with Shrub, and end with whoever hurt them! This Bastard needs to get it through his thick ass skull he IS NOT the only one in this country! James Byrds family and Matthew Shepards families need to come together and put that Bastard in his place, PRONTO!