Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Grab your Cheerios and Lucky Charms, and gather around the computer screen 'cause we're going into the neighborhood!

Welcome to boys and girls to Mr. Bush's Neighborhood! (Where kids grow up fast, or we send them to Iraq!)

The shrub administration is nearing the end and all of their arguments and excuses are being refuted. A little too late to jump on the "I told you so" bandwagon from the shrub "supporters" jumping off the republucan ship before it sinks completely under a wave of unrefutable truth.

Once again, reasons to go to war with Iraq are running thin:

1. Weapons of mass destruction
2. Black market uranium sales
3. Link to al-Qaida
4. Liberate the Iraqi from a dictator
5. Spread Democracy throughout the region

And any others that you can remember that I might have missed.

After three trips into the region, (2-Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 1- Op Enduring Freedom), and many other countries in this war on terrorism, the bottom line has never changed; it's all about the oil.

In Desert Shield /Desert Storm, we were asked by the United Nations, the majority of the Arab Nations in the region, and the Sovereign State of Kuwait to really liberate an occupied country from a brutal dictator who sought to pay off their war debt accrued from the Iran Iraq war of 1980-1988.

In bush's neighborhood, the price of war has cost us our standing in the world community, INFLATION, the blood of our armed forces fighting for a lie, and anyone who stands against the re-puke-lican administration.

Currently, there are four to six, (maybe more), oil companies that are waiting to take control of 80% of Iraqi oil field while Iraq gets to keep 17 oil fields. To name a few, Exxon/Mobile and BP (British Petroleum) are looking to have complete control of said oil fields for 35 years into the future. What a deal! Made through the "secret meeting" at the White House between rove, cheney, and the CEO's of the oil companies. They stand to make over $21 TRILLION dollars. That's roughly $70,000 for every American today.

In a speech by Dennis Kucinich last week, some of it was a reading of the Oil Deal that shrub is saying Iraq must sign. Now, thanks to bush and his henchmen, America is into extortion. Remember, this is the same administration that has brought us $3.25 a gallon (on average) and rising, just in time for summer. We have been reduced to cannon fodder for the "morally" right and the oil companies that stand to become a little bit richer. For every American Soldier and Iraqi citizen that dies, the oil companies alone stand to take in roughly $21,000,000.00 dollars.

Kucinich also mentioned that this plan was formulated before the invasion. Hussein, at the time had agreed to leave Iraq and go into exile before the invasion.

9/11 was allowed to happen by bush & co. but the only thing that stood in their way was our civil liberties to speak out against it. Now, shrubco is pushing two "emergency" bills through a now weak House and Senate to authorize presidential authority over the House and Senate. In other words, shrub wants to run all three branches of government before "they come and get us". It's strange that this little tid-bit of information was never mentioned on any of the major news networks and Fox Noise. A tiny blurb may have been uttered, but this bill was proposed more than a month ago.

Through all of what has happened during the course of this administration, preparations are being made to gear up for another war and another invasion: Iran.

Stay tuned for the next edition of Mr. Bush's Neighborhood!


azgoddess said...

wow -- sounds like a neighborhood i want to move out of - but can't because of rent increases...maybe i can use my 70 th-ow to, oh yea...we don't actually get any of that money -- just like the iraq-e citizens don't get any of their blood-for-oil money....

so what to do, what to do???

maybe we can get rid of the neighborhood bully so we can all play nice together and not be afraid to walk on our own sidewalks??

Donnie McDaniel said...

But Ziem.....we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here, right? Yikes, that hurt to just write that!

Mariamariacuchita said...

...and 128 soldiers died this month in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Put it out there, Ziem. The Press will hate you for your freedom.

Undeniable Liberal said...

THAT is one fine post, we are fucking them there, because we have already fucked everybody here....

sumo said...

I love cereal.

Anonymous said...

"Now" we are using extortion? I think sadly that we have been doing that for a while- where's the press about he deal? Oh thats right, not enough time between Lindsay Lohan stories.

Go Kucinich!

Me said...

Excellent post, Ziem. Excellent.

Anonymous said...

Where's Laine?

Anonymous said...

We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them.”
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

Oh by the way r u a lesbian, because you sure have the shemale look

Anonymous said...

Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime … He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation … And now he is miscalculating America’s response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction … So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real…” - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Heya Ziem! where'd ya go? looks like a lot of the bloggers i kick it with have kinda taken a powder (me included) hope ur good! come by sometime!
