Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Howard Dean Says..

President Bush has hit a new low -- and I'm not talking about his 28% approval ratings.

Today, he ignored the majority of Americans and he defied the majority of Congress. And what's worst, he told our brave men and women in uniform that they will be the ones to pay the price.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: a Democratic president wouldn't veto that bill. We put forward a thoughtful plan and the President rejected it.

Here's what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had to say about the Democratic plan to start bringing our troops home:

"The debate in Congress...has been helpful in demonstrating to the Iraqis that American patience is limited. The strong feelings expressed in the Congress about the timetable has had a positive impact...in terms of communicating to the Iraqis that this is not an open-ended commitment."

But President Bush's veto sends the opposite message. It refuses to allow the Iraqi people to stand up for their own country. It blatantly disregards the need for a political solution. Worst of all, it puts the lives of our troops right in the middle of it.

That's not a road to victory. It's a road to nowhere.

The Democratic Party is working overtime to stop this madness. We're doing all we can to change course in Iraq and to elect leaders who are accountable to the American people.

When President Bush rejects a troop withdrawal plan supported by nearly two-thirds of the country, he's not working for the American people -- he's working for himself.

The wave of support to end this war won't stop. The Democratic Party is ramping up the pressure on President Bush every day, and we're working hard to make sure that none of his Republican allies will continue his legacy.

This country has suffered through President Bush's failed policies for long enough.

One veto isn't enough to stop us. The Democratic Party brought change in 2006, and with your help we'll do it again in 2008.


Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Well said Howard!


Anonymous said...

What is it, by this Fall or something, that there should be obvious and unmistakeable results to be clearly seen by even the most rabid hawks, that The Surge by George is just another dud in the long line of other duds of his? At that point, it should finally be the duty of the legislators to forget about hurting the feelings of this immature boy who pretends being a statesman, put their partisanship on hold, and stop the juvenile delinguent once and for all. Call it a tough love, if you like, but we cannot afford Georgie Porkie's never ending pranks that can be stopped only by the adults around him!

Donnie McDaniel said...

Well said Mr. Dean, well said! But no fear, they will claim that it is our fault, and the next on in office will get hot rodded for it. The claims that they want to work with us, but still with limits, shows the disdain they have for our nation and others.

sumo said...

Donnie is right...well said Dean old boy.

Anonymous said...

"The Democratic Party brought change in 2006, and with your help we'll do it again in 2008".

Unfortunately there will be a lot of needless deaths in Iraq between those two dates.

Pam said...

Bu$h's idea of "working with limits" is getting everything he wants.

Non-binding dates for withdrawal. And he still wouldn't sign it.

See my comment in the above post - 3-year-old having a temper tantrum.