Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Liberty and Justice for All

Jose Padilla has been held in solitary confinement for five years, enduring what experts say is some of the harshest treatment of any convicted criminal in the US. Yet he has not been convicted of a crime.

Padilla is an American citizen. He has a wife and a little daughter. He has been tortured to the point of having permanent facial ticks.
He is, due to his ill treatment, too traumatized to help in his own defence.
You might be asking yourself what the U.S. has on this guy. Why is he dubbed the "Dirty bomber"? Did he set off a bomb? Nope.

Granted he had a troubled childhood filled with petty crimes and numerous court appearances. He even went as far as to convert to Islam. The state claims that they have (i love this) his application to join Al Qaeda. Application? Like the one a teen fills out to work for McDonalds? Sorry, this just seems a bit shady to someone like me, someone who has no confidence or trust in my own government.

It is said, by Padilla's defence team that this "application" is a fraud.

What if he is innocent of all charges? What if he has done nothing wrong? Can we give him back his sanity? The last five years watching his daughter grow?

What if he is guilty? And, guilty of what? Has he committed an offence against the state? Nope. But, what if he did fill out his McDonalds... I mean Al Qaeda application? Did that even warrant his treatment by the hands of a civilized nation?

We, all Americans, need to really consider this. Is speaking out against the government next? If filling out an application, real or fraud, can get you a one way ticket to torture and confinement in Gitmo, I seriously think we need to step back and look at what we have done, and what we have become.

God help us all.


Peacechick Mary said...

We are screwed. Let's hope there is a citizens support group for recovery from the trauma this administration has inflicted on all of us.

Anonymous said...

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Donnie McDaniel said...

This admin and done so much damage, it will take years to unscew the mess left behind. The country has been in a constitutional crisis since he got in. We need this to stop, and stop now!

Ziem said...

I agree Donnie.

What they have done, what they are doing... it'll take us at least 100 years less than Iraq to make it all okay, not right, but okay.

I'm scared, but more angry, thus I have dedicated my life to IingTMF'sN! lol

Yes Stram. Padilla is an American citizen, though you wouldn't know it by his treatment. One does hope that the U.S. soldiers taken in Iraq receive better treatment, eh?

Anonymous said...

If one is looking a rewarding and exiting carreer in Al Quaeda, is there any rules as to in what language application should be written? Talking about facial ticks, and I am certainly not making light of the victimized person, M.Padilla, I am getting some of those by having been continually exposed these shenanigans. And they just keep on coming, and coming, and c....

(Ottawa 3 up!) :)

Undeniable Liberal said...

Known as the dirty bomber, the charges against him have been watered down to the claim of supporting terrorists. Nothing to do with a dirty bomb at all.

fallenmonk said...

The whole thing is criminal from the beginning and we can only hope that finally getting his day in court will find him some justice.
If they find him innocent I would guess is has some grounds for retribution.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

I'm just mad he doesn't have a bomb now to blow Shrub & Co. straight to hell. I HATE WHAT THESE BASTARDS HAVE DONE TO OUR COUNTRY!

sumo said...

I don't think he'll get off. He is so far gone mentally that he cannot deal with any of it but what he just about goes catatonic. He's been so brutalized and broken that I don't think they fear anything much coming from him that would implicate them in what they have perpetrated on him. He's just too far gone.

Pam said...

This is heartbreaking...and SCARY!! It could happen to any one of us.