Friday, January 19, 2007

Anti-Dr Laura Part 2

My husband refers to Dr Laura as Dr sludge-slinger. I think by her judgmental attitude over things she knows nothing about, she may just deserve the name.
One more point of my disdain over the "doctor" before I continue my series. She makes callers say, "I am my child's parent." This woman callers herself a psychiatrist? Is she nuts?
Being a woman, and a divorced mom for several years, I can tell you I was much more than just their mother. I proudly wore many hats and this made me a better parent. I did not raise overly dependent children - which you would if you were solely "your child's parent." I'm not a manic depressive now that my children are grown and on their own. Which I would be if I was solely "my child's parent."

Today, I will take on her hatred for divorced parents who re-marry while living with small children in the home. I need to start here to make the rest make some sense. Welcome to my life.

I was born in 1961 three days before Christmas. I believe it was three days after Christmas that my father left my very young mother for parts unknown. My grandfather, that day, moved mom and me in with him and my grandmother. Mind you, they had two teenagers at home.

It was a small three bedroom house out in the country. We had a total of six neighbors within a 3 mile radius. Five of which were family.

My mom was gone quite often, she was in nursing school and working at a local nursing home. I stayed with my grandparents, aunt and uncle. Wonderful and sweet people, but very, very poor. My grandfather worked for a lumber company loading and unloading trucks. He worked long and hard for very little. My grandmother worked in one of the many leather mills. She spent ten hours a day pulling gloves over wooden hands for piece work pay, three cents per dozen. It wasn't all bad for her, she worked there with two of her sisters and on Fridays, my aunt (who is 12 years older than I) would take me to meet them out for lunch.

I actually loved living with them. I was always outside, fishing, frog and bug hunting, helping my grandfather in his garden or helping my grandmother in her flower garden. I will admit I was pretty spoiled. My aunt called her her favorite toy and my uncle taught me to play guitar and fish and shoot a bow and arrow.

However, I rarely saw my mom. I do not, nor have I ever held that against her. She was doing what she had to do to make a life for us. She was handed a bad situation at the age of 18 and made the best of it. She didn't date often, she didn't have much of a social life at all. Once every summer, her and I would take a little trip somewhere, just the two of us.

I was six years old when she brought home a man she wanted me to meet. It was love at first sight. He was funny, sweet, very interested in what I had to say, even if it was only about how to remove the tiny bones from a grilled trout. The added plus was, he made my mom happy too.

They married the following year bringing my family of two to a family of six, and within three years, a family of eight. We moved out of my grandparents house and into a house he bought us in a neighboring town. I had my own room, a new bike and brothers and sisters.

My new town wasn't quite as small as the last, but it wasn't big either. Our house was right across the street from the grade school.

For those of you who know me, know I talk a lot about my dad. He was my hero, my confidante, my best friend. Just not my biological father. I would jokingly say I could be anything I wanted, an only child, the eldest, the youngest and smack dab in the middle. I always loved the middle. My elder siblings were adopted by my dad and his first wife, I came as a package deal with my mom, together they had two more. The only thing I can say for sure is that none of us were treated any differently. We were all their children, we lived by the same rules, we were loved the same and cared for the same. I never have uttered the words "step" or "half" in talking about my family. My older brother Doug, most of you know about, took on his new little sister as if she were a prize.

I remember when I enlisted in the Navy and came home on leave after A-school. There was my Dad, all proud with flowers. After the birth of my youngest, he was there when they told me my baby was going to die. He dragged me out into the hall and told me a "secret". He told me that Andy wouldn't die, he was his mothers son. He was strong and would defy all odds, just like his mother. I am so happy that he lived long enough to see his premonition come to pass.

What if my mom had listened to Dr Laura's judgmental crap? Do you really think this is a single success story? Absolutely not! I see it all the time. I lived it, I am living it. I married my husband when my boys were younger. He had a younger son he was raising alone as well. This boy calls me mom.

Why deny a nation of single parents and their children a full life? Why deny them the joy I would not have had, had this woman dictated my moms life. No, life was not all peaches and cream. We had to make adjustments and give and take. It is my belief that this is what made us all better adults. My sisters and brother and I know how to meet in the middle, we have overcome obstacles and been the better for it. We are a close family that helps and supports each other. We are a family. How dare this "doctor" judge or deny any of us that, in the name of her idea of "moral authority".


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how similar we are. My bilogical father (who was abusive) and my mother seperated while she was pregnant with me. I also lived with my grandparents and my one uncle who is 15 yrs older than me. My mother married the man I call Dad when I was 3 1/2. I too have never uttered the word "step" when refering to him. Unfortunately siblings were not in the picture. Not for lack of trying but my mom miscarried 3 times after having me and was told another would probably kill her. I rarely saw my mom because she was working double shifts at the hospital where she worked. (There's more to this part of the story that we'll get to when we go into the organized religion debate lol) Needless to say my life would not have been nearly as enriched had my mother not remarried to this wonderful man that always considered me his own and could not have loved me any more had I been his own flesh and blood. Dr. Laura (funny how she's shares the first name of my ex-wife)is entitled to her opinions as flawed as they may be. I do not agree with her and would rather walk across hot coals than be made to listen to her whining drivel. But she has the right to exprss her opinion and we as individuals have the right to disagree and voice our disdain for said opinions. And you were right about one thing...She's Nuts!! There is only one judge of "moral authority" and we all will answer to that judge in the end.

Ziem said...

Amen my friend!

It is funny, similar pasts, I'm a liberal, you're not. I wonder why?

Go to archives (or previous posts) and check out "common misconceptions" that might be some insight.

No worries, "Anti-organized religion" is soon to follow.

Anonymous said...

That's an easy answer. I never heeded the "dark side" Roflmao

Ziem said...

lol, You did the day you called yourself a conservative.

You don't honestly believe all the crap "w" spews, do you?

Anonymous said...

In all honesty I believe that the man thinks he's doing the right thing but he's listened to all the wrong people. A president is only as good as his closest advisors. Nixon was a good foreign policy president because of Kissinger. Reagan and Kennedy both surrounded themselves with good reliable people. "W" would have been better served to have listened more closely to Powell and Rice and less to Cheney. I won't ever rate him with the greats that have held office but he's still a step above Jimmy Carter.

Ziem said...

Carter was handed a disaster. He always had the American people's best interests at heart. I'm not saying he was great, just that at least he cared.

Bush was handed a balanced budget, a good and strong economy. He turned that all into a disaster. He started wars of aggression, wireless taping of Americans, he reads your mail (and all without a warrent) he's making a case for wars with Iran and Syria. He has absolutely no concept of diplomocy or foreign policy. We will, if he hasn't already, go down as the worst president in history. Powell and Rice aren't much better, but I do agree with you on Cheney. Personally, I think he should have listened to Gore or Clinton. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong I think Carter is a wonderful person. He was just a lousy president. "W" will definitely not be the worst. You have to remember the corruption surrounding the administrations of Grant and Harding and the absolute failure of Carter's presidency. Hell, I even think Clinton is a decent guy. I'd love to play golf with him, I bet he's riot and cheats like hell. But I don't agree with his politics. Clinton made the same mistake with the Lewinski thing that Nixon made with Watergate. If he had just said "I F'd up and didn't use good judgement" it probably would have blown over and been done with. It was the lies of both men that got them in trouble. Of course if I was married to Hillary I probably would have done Monica too LOL

blubonnet said...

I'm loving your new blog, Ziem, it will be one of my most favored places to come.

Dr Laura...LOL...has been called the talk show dominatrix. Perfect. She really does love to do her "superiority dance" like the Saturday Night Live "Church Lady". Remember her? Ha.

Ziem said...

Yeah but the Church Lady was funny Blu!

And thank you! Did you read the "Oil Companies Claim Victory?" I was dying for your thoughts on that one. It's in old posts.

Yes, they both lied. Clintons lie was over a question no one BUT Hiliary had the right to ask.
I loved the Clintons. I liked most - but not all - of his politics. Life for the basic hard working American was a hell of a lot better under them than it is now. Even you have to admit that.

Anonymous said...

Boy Laine, you and Larry's backgrounds are very simliar.

Divorces are not very prevalent in my family. We're generally too stubborn and like sticking around and making the other person miserable.

Just kidding. Sort of.....

Anonymous said...

Actually life for the hard working American was best under Reagan. Life for the people that live off the gov't dole was oustanding under the Billary Clinton administration. Don't even get me started about welfare reform.

Stram: Yes it's funny how similar we both are. Now if I could just get her back from the "dark side" LOL

Ziem said...

BRT's too Stram.

A bit of humor, my moms divorce was the first in our family. The first of many, that is.

My aunt came to my house right after I finally gave up on my ex. A turbulent mental time for me. She sat at my kitchen table, shaking. She had again caught her husband with another woman. He wasn't a nice person when he drank either, in fact, he was down right mean to her and the children.
She asked me how I did it? How did I sleep at night? Was I afraid?

I told her the truth. For the first time, I, in hearing the truth come from my own lips, knew it. I told her that I slept well. I no longer cared where he was or what he was doing. I told her I wasn't afraid, life was full of opportunities and promise. I told her I wasn't afraid for my children either. At least not the way I was when he was still there.

My aunt, 24 hours later, became divorce #3 in my family. She, for years, drove around with a bumper sticker on her car, "Life's too short to put up with stupid shit."

Ziem said...

Better under Reagan? you are in a funny mood today, aren't you?

Reagan destroyed small communities all across the county. He too loved the idea of oursourcing. In my own little town, comprised of many leather mills, I watched them all leave, almost over night. They left thousands of unskilled, poor, laborers unemployed with almost no hope of finding a job. College tuition costs soared. The economy sucked.
I was in the Navy for the beginning of Reagans presidency. He didn't like us either. He gave us a 2% raise and took 9% more out in taxes.
How can you do these things to your people and then bitch about welfare?

Back from the darkside? lol I've always been in the light, it is you I am trying to bring back dear.

Anonymous said...

I live in an area where Industry and big business have been driven out of the City and State because of the Democratic Mayor and Governors that had taxed them into submission. I was in the Military under Carter and the beginning of Reagan. At least you got a pay raise! Oh and just to make sure that you have your facts straight darlin, only Congress can raise taxes and they are the ones responsible for military pay raises. The president doesn't have that authority. He does have veto power but during the entire Carter Presidency and the first Term of Reagan both houses of Congress were Democratically controlled. Also with the exception of privately run institutions i.e. churches, most colleges are state run and the tutitions are set by the state NOT the federal government. They do however recieve federal funding which is Ta Da! governed by the 535 buffoons in Congress.

Ziem said...

How was your life under Reagan Larry?

I too entered the military under Carter, 1979.

Anonymous said...

My life under Reagan was fruitful. I actually made more money 20 years ago than I make now and paid less in taxes.

Ziem said...

Okay - I agree, life under Reagan was much better than life under g.w. ;o)

Richard said...

One can't talk about Jimmy Carter and NOT mention the word CONTRA.

Carter was betrayed and then crucified by (some of),his own countrymen - the same type of shadowy group as brought about the current Iraq debacle - using the same method - ie: lie, after lie after lie.

Carter was victim of treachery - in fact, make that treason.

Ziem said...


Carters biggest mistake was being too nice, too sweet, too religious, too trusting.

It was like watching a guppy trying to survive in a pool of sharks.

Anonymous said...

Carter was all of that! I think he is a truly good person. Too good. He didn't have good people around him and I just think he was very overwhelmed by the job. Oh and btw Elaine, I also was better off under Reagan than I was under Clinton. ;)

Ziem said...

That would make you, my friend, a party of one. lol

Anonymous said...

Dayum!!! My own party!! Would should I name it???? Oh man I'm psyched now. I never thought of that before. Hmmmmmmm now I have to brainstorm a name and a party platform wooohoooo

Ziem said...


why me lord maybe?

Anonymous said...

Nah, I'd probably get slapped with a copyright infringement suit from Kris Mristoferson. The Central party sounds too commie. Oh Hell, I'll just stage a coup and not worry about a party LOL. Was it Jefferson that said we need a revolution every 50 years or so to keep the government honest? Maybe we're long overdue. I am actually considering a run for the MD house of Delegates next time around. I'm a Republican in a very Democratic area but the local news weekly has had a lot of letters lately complaining about our part-time legistors. The job pays $45K a year. I can live on that as a full time job. Wanna be my campaign manager?

Ziem said...

Sure! You just need to step a little more into the light.

I thought about running for Mayor once and I should have. In the republican city government here,they are so corupt that these poor people are losing their homes to over inflated taxes. Then the city, takes the homes, cranks the price and sell them to the NYC elite. Meanwhile, the city is so broke, they can't afford simple things like garbage pick up or filling massive pot holes in the road. Yet, I have a friend who's husband works on the cities water department. He says he makes 60g's a year, digging holes, not filling, just digging, and playing cards. Ah! money well spent.