Wednesday, January 24, 2007

One Year Ago

A year ago I wrote this and it was posted by my friends at Liberal Avenger.

My brother-in-law decided to take my sister to Las Vegas for a few days. My husband and I went too… much fun, as always. But here’s my issue…
My sister is in customer service for a boat part building company. My brother-in-law is an engineer, designing wind-shields for the same company. I am an artist (of sorts) I design offices & lounges etc, using colorization. My husband is the head maintenance for a Walmart DC. Any problems yet? I didn’t think so either… until my sister and i tried to board a plane.
We were taken into a separate room and basically strip searched. We were told we were on the FBI watch list. We were then escorted onto the plane, then, escorted off and searched again.
Robin and I sat in my hotel room mulling this over.. why? why us? I mean, yes, we don’t like shrub. I am much more vocal than she, but yes the dislike is there. So what could we have in common that would make us have to go through this humiliating experience? Are our jobs that “interesting”? Do we send shrub nasty notes? threaten? defile? Nope. What we have in common is one thing and one thing only. We both receive e-mails from
Tell me, you wingnuts, is this right? Is this the “democracy” you care to live in? Is this why our brother died? Why our father and grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought? Is this your idea of freedom? Keeping America safe? I think we can all agree - and yes brt, even you - that there’s something wrong here. This is not what I ever envisioned being my country. We may politically disagree, but this is absolute bullshit!
I don’t think I have ever been this embarrassed or angry. It’s no wonder the Europeans and the rest of the world think of us as the new Nazi Germany.
Move over LA, I’m about to become a Canadian! (I prefer hockey to football anyway!)

Ignore the type-o's I was very angry when I wrote this.
Mull it over, think about it. I will, in a few days give you my "conclusion".

As a side note, I used to be a poster on Liberal Avenger. I was told that the FBI was reading my posts. I have not posted anything over there since that date. I did, before you hard boot your pc's, ask about the commenters. They have no interest in you. Just me. I remember doing a piece in in LA about torture. I was asked if that was in code. Good God!
In all honesty, I didn't think I could ever or would ever have the guts to write or post about this again. Now, I guess I feel I have to. Remember, I am not one. I am one of hundreds of thousands of American citizens this has been done to. Tell me, how would you feel?


Frederick said...

Howdy, I hear tell you hail from my neck of the woods, welcome to the machine...

Ziem said...

Hi frederick! I'm in upstate NY. Where are you?

Anonymous said...

Ziem~ Welcome! nice to come across your site. what you went thru was/is a very scary horror. hope we'll be seeing the end of this type of 'terrorism'--not soon enough!
(we're in Vermont)

Ziem said...

mandt, thank you. On the up side, the worst was over in a year. However, my credit card companys are grinning all the way to the bank!
I just pray the new congress will end this for those who can't afford my attorneys and for those undeserving souls who just want to live their lives.

I'm in Saratoga.

Steve Bates said...

ziem, what a terrifying experience! Of course, that's exactly what the preznit intends... to terrify all his critics. Good for you, for continuing to blog. I hope I would have the courage if something like that happened to me. I used to think the occasional .mil domains in my logs were people monitoring me; eventually, I realized there are plenty of soldiers with politics similar to mine.

I live far away from all of you on this thread, in Houston, TX. There are worse places to live, especially in Texas, but once in a while I fantasize about moving to Vermont. Almost 30 years ago I played a pair of concerts in Albany and Buffalo, so at least I know your general area, ziem.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh got to love the FBI. The same people that brought us Ruby Ridge and Waco .