Thursday, January 25, 2007

O'Reilly Blames the Child ??

I am again today foregoing my Anti-Dr Laura series, but with just cause. These "moral authority" types are really beginning to get to me.

Today, I am begging you all to watch this.

There's more on this at Media Matters.
Bill O'Reilly has told his audience that Shawn Hornbeck, abducted at age 11, more than four years ago -- rescued just a week ago -- never escaped because he didn't want to.

"The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents," O'Reilly said. "He didn't have to go to school; he could run around and do whatever he wanted." A lot more fun indeed -- like suffering sexual abuse at the hands of his kidnapper as Shawn Hornbeck's parents today said they believed happened.

This is the single most disgusting thing I have ever seen or heard. How dare this self-proclaimed journalist make this assumption? O'Reilly and his ilk are hacks, like this administration, they love to play on fears and they wave their Bible in your face. Yep, it's all about control. But this! To blame the child for his 4 years as a victim and to go as far as to say he "enjoyed it"? Why does O'Reilly still have a job? Why didn't this make headlines? Why, please, tell me, why do some still believe all the lies and spins Faux news spills?

Take Action!
Contact information:

Bill O'Reilly

When contacting the media, please be polite and professional. Express your specific concerns regarding that particular news report or commentary, and be sure to indicate exactly what you would like the media outlet to do differently in the future.

On a personal note - I tried to be nice when I wrote to tell him of my opinion.


Faded said...

"tried to be nice" - You are far more restrained than I can be to this complete @%$&!

O'Reilly IS a Sexual Predator, which is why he can voice such insane horsesh$t. He thinks like a sexual predator and exposes his perverted mindset by blaming an 11 year old child! Jesus. No respect for the family who lost their child to a kidnapper for 4 years. What an utter scumbag.

Ziem said...

lol, I said "tried", never said I accomplished that. In the end, I believe I called him something of a "sexist pig living and breathing under the disguise of a human being with no conscience, no heart. Nothing but lips firmly planted on the asses of the all mighty dollar and gw." That was as nice as I got.

Anonymous said...

I think he stuck his foot in his mouth. We still haven't heard from the kid yet either. All ANYONE has to go on at this point is pure speculation. But, that said a news person is supposed to stick to the facts. I believe in Journalism 101 we were taught before you had a story you needed the answers to Who, What, When, Where, How & Why! I'd like to hear what the boy has to say before I pass along any commentary other than this. I cannot believe that for 4 years he was virtually right under everyone's nose and they couldn't find him. I'd have a huge question for the authorities in Missouri about their handling of his disappearance. It is a tragedy but until the noy speaks up NO ONE knows exactly what the story was. Even the parents are just assuming at this point and yes, my heart does go out to them. I'm a parent and I hate to think how I would have reacted. Actually, I do know how I would react. Some years ago a letter was sent home from my youngest sons elementary school giving a description of a man and his vehicle that they believed tried to lure a child to his car. At the meeting at school I stated to Capt Schisler of the County Police that since I worked night work I would be walking my son and a few others to school in the morning but that they better be doing their jobs because if I got him before they did there would be no one to arrest much less prosecute.
I just wish all the talking heads would just stick to the facts as they are known and not speculate their own opinions of what may or may not have transpired.

Ziem said...

Stuck his foot in his mouth? Are you kidding me?

BO is not a journalist, he's a opinion hack that makes cash money off the scared right.

That "comment" he made was so disgusting and uninformed and a true slap in the face not just to this boys parents, but to all parents that have had children abused in one form or another.
He needs to be accountable for his babblings and his "pro-child molestation" comments. I want no appologies from this jackass, I want him fired - loudly and harshly and publicly - NOW!

Ziem said...

And, like you Larry, they would have been hell pressed to find his body parts.

Child abuse (not discipline) and crimes against children are one of my "issues". Can you tell?

Steve Bates said...

"Be nice"? Like this?

Dear Mr. "Falafel" O'Reilly:

With all due respect, i.e., no respect at all, I question your statements. And your facts. And your motives. And your actions toward colleagues. And your parentage.

Very truly NOT yours,

Ziem said...

lol Steve, that was still nicer than I was.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately all we have anymore are opinon hacks. There hasn't been a newsperson that has just delivered the news without his own social commentary since Walter Cronkite. All of the network newspeople and those on cable too have turned the news into their own political soapbox. Both on the right and the left. Want to hear a funny(as in ironic) story. I cancelled my subscription to the Baltimore Sun because I got tired of sifting through their left leaning commentary of the news instead of their reporting of just the facts. The other day I recieved a phone call from their subscription dept. I politely told them that I wasn't interested and why I had cancelled in the first place. This caller actually apologized and said " We here at the Sunpaper acknowledge that we have been guilty of letting our political leanings come forth in our presentation of our stories, and to remedy this we are adding more conservative views to our editorial page." I laughed and said thanks but no thanks. But, imagine that, they actually admitted to not being impartial with their coverage of the news! See if the New York Times ever admits to that LOL

Ziem said...

As soon as Fox "news" does, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

When I want fair and balanced I pick up a copy of the Washington Post and of the Washington Times and compare articles and then sift through the BS to actually get the story LOL