Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Scared Yet?

I happened across this at Uncommon Thought Journal.

The U.S. network news reports conveniently leave out the information that target of "the raid" that resulted in the continued detention of "five Iranians," was an Iranian consulate. It was not just "some place." It was a particular place. It was not just "five Iranians." It was five members of the Iranian Consulate in Irbil, Iraq. Those are critical pieces of information, make all the difference between protecting Iraq's security, and essentially attacking the sovereign territory of Iran - an act of war. Iran has thus far refused to be provoked into a retaliatory act which could be used by Bush to legitimate a war on Iran. The presentation of this in the U.S. news is spin - the same kind of spin and half-truth that got us into Iraq.

Condoleezza Rice has stated the Bush authorized the Iranian consulate raid. Now they are claiming that the individuals "detained" in the raid are members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's al-Qod's Force. Not at all surprising, Iran is demanding their release. The Bush administration claims, and perhaps it is true, that the five individuals swept up in the raid on the consulate were involved in bringing weapons and money into Iraq for the purposes of the "insurgency." However, that doesn't make any difference in terms of the violation of the Vienna Convention.

No matter who "approved" the raid; no matter who was in the consulate; no matter what they were doing or planning; it makes no difference. The Vienna Convention on Consular Affairs is very clear. If you want to declare someone under consulate protection a "criminal" and get them out of the country, then the receiving nation (in this case Iraq) declares the individual(s) "persons non grata," and the sending state (in this case Iran) has to remove them in a timely fashion (Article 23). Neither Iraq, or the United States has the authority to invade the consulate and remove anyone.

Rowan tells this much more elequently than I could, so, to not defile his words, please, read his entire post.


Anonymous said...

scared? no. I'm so far beyond that, it isn't funny!

He's setting up a plan to invade Iran, isn't he? He's pulling another rabbit out of his hat for this - like he did with Iraq, isn't he?

How long are we going to let this go on?

Anonymous said...

The Iran card has yet to be played and it can get real scary real fast. Be afraid. Be very afraid. This may explain the need for the admirals. The fleet is on the move.

ps: thanks for the blog listing!

Ziem said...

Jim, I am afraid. Not of terrorists, not of OBL, but my own government. That should say something.

ps: My pleasure - you have a great blog, best of luck to you.