Thursday, April 19, 2007

Another One Shits on the Carpet

Hank Dagny said...
I had to scrape alot of white global warming off of my car in April.

Baseball games were cancelled in near record numbers due to cold weather.

Two feet of snow fell in Cleveland the 2nd week of April.

Your article should of been titled: Global Warming - continuing the lies.

I watched the Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel. Even they said where it is cold, life is scarce. Where it is tropical, life is abundant.

If global warming was even a fact, you should be rejoicing not hand wringing.

You are probably too young or too twisted to remember that in the 1980's the earth was going to freeze over by 2000 if we didn't stop the car pollution. Now the communist (and the environmental movement is loaded with communists) say we will all fry.

Bottom line is you are a leftist and a moron. If you are visiting Stram's site - and like it - then you are a traitor also.

April 19, 2007 2:29 PM

The above is a comment left by a troll on the Global Warming post. His comment about Strams site is over a piece our friend Stram did on an 18 year old Marine that died in action. Head over to 15 Seats and see all the shit stains this asshole left all over poor Strams carpet.

This Hank person calls himself a patriot and us traitors. I would assume that by his logic bombing the shit out of an innocent country, occupying said country and agreeing to such carnage is patriotic. The evil left on the other hand, who sees this for what it is, an illegal aggressive occupation, well we are just traitors for speaking out against such blatant bullshit being done in our name. Of course by hanks standards, that would make us traitors. Well of course it would, this coming from a "man" who agrees to wiping out our civil liberties. Well... shit! That would make HIM the "commie" now wouldn't it.

I'm not even going to get into his total lack of intelligence. I think his so-called reasoning on global warming says it all....


Peacechick Mary said...

I'm doing this all too often these days, but here goes one more time: Fist raised, teeth bared...those evil bastards!

Unknown said...

Obviously, this self-proclaimed patriot has seen only one program after watching 23hrs of Fox noise for his daily brainwashing.

This is what happens when research is not conducted, or when research conclusions are ignored.

I'm doing a term paper on the subject, and from what has been explained, this arm-chair NASCAR warrior couldn't tell the difference from a 90 degree day in January to the effects of global warming we are experiencing, now.

Scientists have measured over 418 metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in 2004, a very steep spike from 324 metric tons released in 1995 to a low of 290 metric tons released in 1999.

Now the question is: If we were doing the right thing during the Clinton Administration, why did the shrub empire stop the environmental programs that were beginning to make progress in reducing atmospheric pollution?

Undeniable Liberal said...

What would help is if we started to refer to it as global climate change, because, the warming WILL actually make some climates cooler. And then again. half of Florida will disappear.....just sayin'

Ziem said...

That's right! We'll have a brand new world map to go with their arrogant denial.

Gunner, shrubs brilliant idea to "reduce" gas prices was to relax the emission levels. Just like the surge, we see how well that worked.

Unknown said...

Gas prices never went down since shrub stole the first election.

It only took three months, after this crook came back from his very long vacation, gas prices skyrocketed to $3.00 dollars a gallon, $5.00 a gallon in New York.

Think about this: Laws that were used to keep energy companies from profiteering were overturned, secretly. Then the excuses of "We're running low, world wide", was enough to keep prices at the pump at or near the $3.00 mark. Heavily populated cities, like New York city, suffered greatly from these profiteers.

Before shrub took over, emission levels were dropping without raising gas prices.

Just what were those "secret meetings" Mr. 'go-f***-yourself' cheney had with the corporate CEO's and oil companies, about?

sumo said...

I'm lucky...I've never had a follower. Not sure how I've managed it...maybe I'm boring for those types. But they are a drag!

Anonymous said...

My mistake (and perhaps also yours) has been, that I have given way too much attention and credit to those who still maintain, in the face of the undeniable evidence, that the climate change has nothing to do with human made pollution. Providing, that they even believe in such an occurrance.

It is healthy to debate about issues and try to convince others to see your point. Hank has right to have his own opinions but not his own facts. Because Hank and his ilk have decided to play with the facts of their own, that are basically denied by the whole world's scientific community, there obviously is no room for them to be persuaded to change their minds. Thus, I have made up my mind to ignore them as an unfortunate minority that has been left standing on the platform while the train of progress, we in it, has pulled out. Bye, bye, Hank and say hello to your leader when or if he ever shows up!

Mariamariacuchita said...

Hmmm..mean peoeple suck.

Undeniable Liberal said...

I wonder when Hank is going to enlist? The epic struggle of our time needs his patriotism.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Not only should we make this asshole LICK up his own shit, we should make him lick it up & aplogize for having put it there to begin with!
What do you think? : - )

Donnie McDaniel said...

I went over to your friend's place and dropped several F-Bombs like only a Marine can! Hank is the typical conservative scumbag. Clueless and happy for it. I love the smell of blogger combat in the morning!

Anonymous said...

As I said to you over there Laine, 'Dank', and others like him make their stupid comments about removing snow from their windshields in April but they're too stupid to remember they were mowing their lawns last Christmas, too.

And thanks for the 'assist' Donnie.

Anonymous said...

Mariamariacuchita said;

Hmmm..mean peoeple suck.

Sorry Maria, you're right.

It's a real long story, though. I hope you weren't too offended.

Ziem said...

I did notice that hank doesn't bother to link his blog to his BS. No worries, I've spent some time tracking it down with much success. I think it's time for neocon BS watch. ;o)

You're right stram. They figure if it gets cold - there's no such thing as global warming. I love these people, deny without knowledge. Ignore science and follow their leader. It's a shame to live in the same country with these true traiters.