Monday, April 2, 2007

The SOB is at it Again!

I wrote this back in January, before my little blog was a month old. I haven't heard anything much about it since. That is, until now.

Sad as it may seem, I did not find this on a U.S. television station, nor did I find it on a U.S. web site (CNN, Fox...) I found it at the BBC, a Canadian news web site. I hit that often, I'm a hockey fan living in Arizona. If it doesn't concern the Coyotes... anyway, off track there for a minute....

Has anyone heard this yet?

State department spokesman Sean McCormack rejected suggestions that a swap could be made.
The five, believed to be members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, were seized in January in the Iraqi city of Irbil.
Britain denies Iran's claims that the UK crew was in its waters when seized on 23 March.
The five Iranians were captured in a raid along with equipment which the Americans say shows clear Iranian links to networks supplying Iraqi insurgents with technology and weapons.
US officials have condemned Iran's actions and publicly supported the UK.

Let me see if I have this right. We went into an Iranian consulate on Iraqi soil and pulled out five Iranians and are holding them somewhere? We are also, refusing to let them go? We are refusing to exchange them for the lives of fifteen British ... well Grunts. They are not officers, they are the people who put their lives on the line for oil.... I mean Iraqi freedom... or is it our liberties this week? Oh hell! I can't keep up!

Okay shrub, I get it. You are orchestrating another war by pointing and blaming and lying (again). I get it. Now, you get this. NO! Nope, we the people have had enough. Our troops are tired. Many are on tour numbers three and four. They miss their families and they miss sleeping without fear. The Iraqi's miss their home and their way of life. We will not allow you to lead us into another lie, another war. No way in fucking hell! Can we impeach these bastards now? Please?


Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Ziem, the reason why you don't find that info on the American side of the Atlantic is because it would make Bushco look bad. Fucking truth not only hurts these bastards, it KILLS them.

Cloak and dagger shit. OOO I just wanna hit some republican in the mouth! You could call the video: "When Doves Become Hawks!"

sumo said...

LOL! PTC...that was good! Ziem...the Green Zone is becoming a battle ground it is not! If that were to fall or at least be hit really would go badly for Dub. I hate that the troops are in danger...but it would serve his ass right...(not theirs poor things)!

Donnie McDaniel said...

But Sumo, McSurge tells us it is safe to walk there! Are you calling him a liar? Bwahaha!!! Okay, I could not keep a straight face saying that.

Undeniable Liberal said...


Ziem said...

lol ptc. I know, that's why there isn't a single U.S. news site on my dialy read list. Sad, if I want sugar coated, I read US news, if I want truth, I go elsewhere. That alone should tell us something.

I think I'd agree with McFake if he'd go back, take bush, dick, condi, etc. with him, no armor, no guards, no helo's... THEN tell me how safe it is. The upside to that would be that we wouldn't have to worry about the impeachment process....

Anonymous said...

They just don't stop. The next President is going to be in such a hole in so many ways...and of course the media won't give her a break.

Ziem said...

lol Jim. I did see that Obama raised more money than Hilary. I wonder what that means.......?

Anonymous said...

So sorry, ziem, that you are losing your taste for the high stakes, international game of brinkmanship ala Neocon. So relieved, that you still enjoy my favorite sport of hockey. Grezky rules, eh?

Ziem said...

" game of brinkmanship ala Neocon.." lol

Ah! The great one! He is now co-owner of the coyotes, and doing well with them. They have a year or two before they are true contenders, but they're getting there. My Sens made the playoffs, I adore them, but I don't hold a lot of hope. Getting rid of Martin, Hossa and Bonk was almost as stupid as invading Iraq, not quite, but almost.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, ziem, I am seriously falling in love with you! Progressive, artistic and intelligent woman with the obvious knowledge of the king hockey...too damn perfect! Do you, by any chance, fool around? ;)

Ziem said...


Don't ask me anything about football or nascar. Hockey is my love, baseball and basketball, a close second.

Ziem said...

lol pekka! omg, I'm sorry, I answered you late last night and didn't read the whole thing. You are just too damn cute! Now, if you live in a pro-hockey, anti-bushco place... call me.. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I am living in the perfect city for you right now, so, start packing! Daddy is coming to pick you up!:'-)

Ziem said...

lol, ok!