Friday, April 20, 2007

John McCain bomb bomb Iran song beach boys style

It's official, McCain has completely lost it.

McCain, campaigning Wednesday in South Carolina, answered a question about military action against Iran with the chorus of the surf-rocker classic "Barbara Ann."

"That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran," he said. "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ..."

His audience laughed, but called the comment dangerous.

"America has lived through six years of a reckless foreign policy," an announcer says in the ad. "We're stuck in Iraq. More than 3,000 Americans are dead. And thousands more wounded.

"Now comes John McCain with his answer to what we should do about Iran. John McCain? We can't afford another reckless president."

The head of MoveOn said McCain displayed "more out-of-control bravado."

"The point is, a presidential candidate just doesn't kid around about bombing other countries, especially countries with high tensions, and especially where a diplomatic solution is our only hope," Eli Pariser, executive director of Political Action, said Friday.

McCain's comments, posted on, had been viewed at least 118,056 times as of Friday morning.

I honestly believe that the power and warmongering of these insane GOPers has gone straight to their heads.

His "joke" is not funny. It is a slap in the face to every single American GI and every single family member. Granted diplomacy is not one of the strong points of this administration, hell, with these "people" it isn't a point at all.

So, what's funny McClueless? That all the "brown" people aren't dead yet? Exxon doesn't control all the worlds oil? Fragments of the Constitution still remain? Pictures of Iraqi children -dead or worse? Your lack of respect for our troops? Their families? Our Fallen? Our disabled? What?

I have a great sense of humor. I really do. In fact, when you are laughed right out of this and any future campaigns, you worthless hack, I'll be laughing the loudest!


Frederick said...

Oh, man...I guess they don't call him "Walnuts!," for nothing...

Unknown said...

Of all veterans who have forgotten what they've been through, he finds humor in what may be a truthful statement inadvertently uttered to get a laugh out of his hand-picked crowd and media.

It's just a matter of time for McNo-backbone to blame anyone but himself. He learned this trick from the deserter-in-office.

Countries, like Iran, take this type of utterance very seriously. In two weeks or more, Iran will hold more combat exercises, and will include naval maneuvers as well.

Having three of our carrier strike groups out there in the Persian Gulf, and Iran conducting naval operations within close proximity, is inherently dangerous. Wars have begun that way in the past.

His little "joke" may have put my ship in harms way a lot closer.

Remember, he comes from being an officer back when enlisted personnel were nothing more than servants to people like him. Today, officers are more caring and understanding, 180 degrees from the officers of long ago.

It sounds like McClueless is recycling shrub and chumley's speeches from their campaign.

Anonymous said...

There is something of a Greek tragedy unfolding right before our eyes. McCain's mental meltdown is apparent and it should have not been allowed to happen, especially, in the public eye like this.

His friends and loved ones should have had heart enough to put their hands lovingly on his shoulder and told him; "John, you have served your country well and you are tired. Have time for yourself and do all the fun things out there that you didn't have time to do before"!

Anonymous said...

Is John McCain a mess or what?

You know, 2 years ago he had 08 in the bag! There was no one going to beat him out for presdient and he has completley blown it with his utter stupidity.

I love the smell of a republican meltdown.

Stram said...

note to self-use 'preview'

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the sweet smell of gop-ers roasting on the spit. Gotta love that!

Gunner, e-mail me it's

Amen Pekka, it's time to put the clone out to pasture.

merjoem32 said...

McCain may have just scuttled his presidential campaign with his joke. His opponents and rivals will surely take advantage of his McCain on Iran song and damage his status on the polls.

blubonnet said...

More "joviality" from McCain too, by his comedy routine...he's going to bring a gift back to Jon Stewart- an IED. Hilarious, huh? Perverse.