Thursday, April 5, 2007

I've Stopped Venting - Just for a Minute

This is an artist and his work. He, get this, paints on tortillias.
His work is amazing! I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to paint on that small a canvas.

This is my smallest painting. It's actually a three foot by three foot painting, my self portrait. (No laughing please...) I have made my life as a designer so I really don't paint that often anymore but if I did, I'd wish to have one half of this mans talent. I'm amazed!

This painting was actually sold several years ago, it's a bad picture of it, but my only picture of it.


Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Tortillas at my house don't last til the water gets hot! They are filled with eggs, potatoes or bacon!

Ziem said...

lol, in my house they are filled with beef, onions, green chilis, cheese and spices...

Anonymous said...

Tortilla painter can never make a convincing claim of being a starving artist. ;) However, his "canvas" shows some spunk and originality.

Too bad, that the pc I am forced to use, due to some unfortunate circumstances, has the memory of an Alzheimers patient and the speed of an average 100 years old jogger, rendering the pictures almost beyond detection. I am so relieved, that you are not into romanticism or classism.

sumo said...

A unique and tasty way to paint. Your picture looks really good...wish it were larger though...could see it better...and we all need a break from the Dubbies of the world.

sumo said...

Okay...I went back and clicked and made it bigger...COOL!

Peacechick Mary said...

Your art: Love the texture and the life pose. Life is like that, full of texture and hanging on. As for the tortillas, that's the sign of a true artist - they create on anything and everything they touch.

Ziem said...

Why thank you.

I haven't painted much lately, though I should, it's relaxing. However, I think I'll still use a canvas, tortillas are too... tempting.

fallenmonk said...

Be interesting if the tortilla artist used things like chocolate and mole and chili sauce to paint and then the finale to his masterpiece would be to eat it. That would be to totally Grok the art.

Anonymous said...

Man, that Monk rocks! Art for arts sake, eh?

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Well I'm not an Ant eater but I'm definately an "Art eater" Ha-Ha Like Anj I'll eat them with eggs, potatoes, bacon or butter!! Hey Anj want some Taquitos? LOL..........