Saturday, April 7, 2007

A conversation with John Edwards

I found this on Salon this morning, you can read the whole interview here.

Elizabeth has announced that you plan to hire a tutor to help home-school your two youngest children, Emma Claire and Jack, in the fall so the family can be together on the campaign trail. Have you realized how many conservative votes you could get if you play up your plans for home schooling?

I hadn't thought about that.

I assume that evolution will not be part of the curriculum.

It'll be part of our curriculum.

If there is one word that I have heard from you in this campaign -- in your criticism tonight of "incrementalism" and in your New Hampshire speech last month about "transformational change" -- it's the word "bold." I didn't hear this from you four years ago at this time.

You probably never heard it from me.

What changed?

Circumstances. I think things have changed for America. Our standing in the world has gone down. The war in Iraq has gone downhill. Our healthcare systems have become more dysfunctional. And both climate change and energy use have gotten worse. I think it's what's needed under the circumstances. I think it's also combined with me being more seasoned and more comfortable with taking stronger, bolder positions.

If someone who was in a campaign 10 years ago had published a pamphlet that some interest group was really upset about -- with the oldest technology in the world, a printing press -- it would have been a somewhat similar flap.

Sure, sure. Bloggers by nature, as you know, are right at the edge. That's how they operate. It's how they get their message across and how they get heard.

Do you have any sense of the role that blogging and the Web will play in this campaign?

I think we all are learning. But I have a sense of it. I think they're going to play an important role. That's what it feels like to me.

In your speech tonight, referring to terrorism, you talked about how Bush and Cheney want us to cower. . . .

They believe in a parental government. They don't believe it in the sense that they think that big government should solve all the problems. But they believe it in the sense that they don't exhibit confidence in the power of Americans to do great things and be strong and courageous. And that's amazing for a Republican president. And they tap into fear as the mechanism for accomplishing it. I just think it completely underestimates America.

The larger sort of question is: Do you buy the notion, as Cheney has said, that what the Bush administration calls the "war on terror" is a struggle that will be going on all of our lives?

There is a struggle that certainly will go on for some time. But I do not define the struggle the way he does. He wants to talk about this as war, the war on terror. And this struggle is one that has many layers. One layer is the only one they like to talk about, which is violent, radical Islam. Is this a threat to the security of the world? It absolutely is. But there are many components of that struggle that they never talk about, which are the underlying causes, which is the underlying capability of the terrorists to recruit. It is a multi-causal thing. It is young people not being educated, being educated in madrassas, living lives of poverty and hopelessness; corrupt regimes. There are multiple contributors to the undercurrent that allows terrorism to be a force in the world. Can we stamp it out entirely no matter what we do? Probably not. If we do all the things today that we should be doing, we can weaken it to the point that America and the rest of the civilized world can manage it.

So it won't be the defining issue of the 'teens and '20s of this century?

I think that depends on what we do. It depends on what we do.

Last question. Do you regret voting for the Patriot Act?

No, no. What I do regret -- put this in there if you're going to write it -- is that it was hurried, it was rushed, it wasn't challenged the way it should have been. There are provisions in there -- sneak-and-peek search provisions, provisions about libraries -- that never should have sailed through like they did. That I do take responsibility for voting for. I along with the other members of the Senate who voted for this. But there were things that needed to be done. We had huge problems with the sharing of information that needed to be fixed. But it should have been done the right way.

Please read the whole interview, I just hit some highlights of it.
As Democrats, we have a nice selection for '08. While the right, thinks that Cheney running could be their "secret weapon". Ah, can't you just see the humor!

I think it's not to early to really look at the candidates, see what they stand for, who they are and maybe help each other make some choices. Let me know what you think of this interview and Edwards. With any luck, between us, we may find a solution to the clusterfuck that has become our government and our country.


Progressive Texas Chicano said...

I like John Edwards. I love how he keeps refusing to be a part of any debates involving Faux News.

Doesn't hurt that he's soo damn cute, too!

Anonymous said...

"I assume that evolution will not be part of the curriculum" ???

Was Edwards really asked that question? What the hell! You don't have to a phony Bible-thumping idiot of a wingnut to homeschool your kids. Especially since they're on the road and not able to attend a public school.

And, the Edwards' are WAY TOO SMART not believe in evolution!

Peacechick Mary said...

Hey, bloggers are on the leading edge. At least Edwards knows what's happening and he knew his words would be in blogs - so there you lame Repubs who haven't a clue.

Ziem said...

That question shocked me too Stram. Though, his answer didn't.

Now Stram, you know them neocons prefer their women barefoot, pregnant and home with the children... lol

He has seemed to grow a backbone in the last four years. He's still sweet and open, but now, well, now he seems to be a little tougher. I love the flip off to faux news, all while smiling.

My only issue with Edwards is that he wants civil unions. I hate sugar coating. Let me put it to you this way, I have a bumper sticker on my car, it says, "No segregation in the constitution" I don't like the idea of denying anyone in this country basic human rights.

Oh yeah Anj, he is a cutie!

Ziem said...

lol Mary. Yeah, we leftie bloggers rule!

Pam said...

I am MUCH more impressed with Edwards this time around. I wonder if people don't still connect him to the failed Kerry campaign though.

And I agree - the prettiness doesn't hurt ;-).

Mariamariacuchita said...

John Edwards and his wife both have something lacking in a lot of political circles right now...class.

Anonymous said...

Never heard before that Chaney might run! I sincerely hope, that you are aware about the rest of the world having no choice but to launch a preemptive strike against The U.S.

Ziem said...

Pekka: He runs, the US will launch first! lol

Vigilante said...

Pekka, (we meet again, the 'Net being such a small world) this thing about Cheney running for president was published on April Fool's Day. I'm surprised it even became an urban legend!

Vigilante said...

I should add that the prospect of Bush and Cheney (either or both) running again would be a real gift to progressives. One should of course, not look to closely in the mouth of such gifts; but such a candidacy, should it approach becoming competitive, might provoke a military coup d'etat - against it.

Enough of this fanciful thinking!

Vigilante said...

As far as John Edwards is concerned, IMHO he has many strong suits. But his strongest suit of all is Elizabeth, about whom I think about . . . whenever I sense self-pity peaking around my own horizon.

Mariamariacuchita said...

Ziem- wow...I like it!!
Passing it to the partners to read!!
Will keep you in the loop.
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Anonymous said...

Vigil my man, this is a reputable and classy site but can still ill afford to have more than one court jester to remain as such. Besides, I found ziem first, so, move along or...! ;-)

Ziem said...

Pekka, my dear, you are just too cute! lol

Anonymous said...

I keep leaning towards this guy. Every time I hear him talk. I get closer to supporting him full-time.

Ziem said...

Me too Jim. I would think my only other option would be Obama, whom I like as well.

They both have many strong points. The deicssion is going to be interesting.

I agree Vig, what that woman has been and is still going through, incurable cancer, buried a 16 year old son... She has strength in charactor. I think she'd make a nice first lady.