Thursday, April 5, 2007

Katrina's Bitter End

A tribute to all Katrina victims, those who suffered, who still suffer and to those who will forever suffer. May you find peace and justice.


Mariamariacuchita said...

God, we need new leadership so urgently.

What happened 8 years ago?

Come check out the Peace

We have a great anonymous IM system for communicating...and a wonderful group of progressive bloggers, if you are interested.

I'd like to link to you, if that's OK.

Ziem said...

That would be wonderful! I already blogrolled you. lol

Eight years ago, Clinton was president, gas prices were less than $2 a gallon, the economy was good, jobs were plentiful, the air was cleaner, 7,000 Americans were still alive and New Orleans was the place to be in March.

Now, we have fear, not hope. We have destruction, not prosperity. We have wars, not peace. We have been bombarded with pictures of what we do to our pow's, lifeless and/or limbless Iraqi children. It gets to a point where every day looks grey and dark and that light at the end of the tunnel gets dimmer and dimmer.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Damn Ziem. How AMAZINGLY FUCKING ACCURATE you are in your comment to maria. what a punch in the stomach.

give me a philandering Rhodes Scholar ANY day over an alcoholic frat boy dumbass oedipus LOSER!

Ziem said...

There was a sign, on a baptist church - off all things, that says, "Please give the man a blow job so we can impeach him."

Balls in Condi's court now! (pun intended)

Paul said...

I recently saw Spike Lee's film on Katrina and I recommend it highly.

Ziem said...

Paul: I've been dying to see that! With the move and retirement.. I just haven't had the time.

It's out on video, right?

Paul said...

Saw it on DVD from netflix. 3 disc series "when the levee breaks". There is an option to watch with Spike narrating....great stuff.
What is this about retiring? I thought you were a youngin?

Ziem said...

Paul: I'm 45. That pic of me was taken last September at my aunts annual clam bake. She holds one in her first harvest field every year.
I owned my own business and for many, many reasons, I sold it and moved back west. That being one of the many.

I'm getting a bit bored though, I am actually thinking of taking up painting again.

brb, I'm headed to Blockbuster!

Anonymous said...

Very poewrful.

You asked about music in a previous post. Irma Thomas, a New Orleans Soul/Blues singer has an album out: After The Rain. Her house was detroyed in the hurricane and for a short time she was thought dead, but she was away perfoming. All the songs on the album are very powerful and full of images of stroms and hurricanes and loss.

You probably won't find any videos however.

Paul said...

45? Yep. you're a youngin!

Ziem said...

lol Paul, wish I felt it.

Jim, I found a couple of her videos, but not that one. I do have the word out that I'm looking. Keep your fingers crossed.