Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday Topic: One Million Blogs for Peace

One Million Blogs for Peace(370 participating blogs and growing!)
Find and post a photo of the Iraq War.
What does this photo say to you about the war?
Do you think this photo could change others' minds about the war?

To me, this photo shows the true victims of this illegal war. Meanwhile shrub and dick and rummy smirk from the sidelines, this shows the real truth.

This shows the total disregard this administration has for it's fellow human beings. Anyone who can look at this and not feel, not care, has no heart, no conscience.

This is the Iraqi reality.
This is what we have done.
This needs to stop.

I do wonder what a neocon would say if this picture was of American children?


Peacechick Mary said...

How Neocons would feel if it were American children: Depends on whether those children were of the super elite or just yours and mine.

Anonymous said...

There are no nice pics to find.

I like your redesign. Very clean.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

They don't care about children Ziems. They only care about controlling other people's lives those FASCISTS!

btw, thanks for the compliments! you have gay brother or friend you could introduce me to? LOL

FunkyTown Fighter said...

I agree with PeaceChick and PTC these Bitches don't care about American Children or ANY children for that matter they only care about getting CEO's of companies and themselves BIG FAT CHECKS!!!

P.S. Halliburton CEO's preferably

Paul said...

Just seeing pictures of those kids rips me up. If one of them were my daughter, I'd go insane.

Ziem said...

Agreed! They don't care. These pictures should be splashed across every news station ever day. NOT McClueless's photo op!

Neocons, being the self-proclaimed Christians that they are, fight to overturn Roe vs Wade yet could care less about these children or their homes or their families.
They care for nothing but bowing to their party lines and money - their true almighty.

Jim, I didn't do this, I actually stole... I mean borrowed it from these internets.
Paul, They kill me. If it was my child, there would be the ultimate hell to pay.
Anj, I have several gay friends. All paired at the moment... if there are any changes, you'll be the first to know!

Pam said...

I agree with Paul. If it were my kids, I would be blinded by rage and hatred.

If the neocons really cared about our children they would fund health care, day care, education, and school lunch programs instead of wars.

Ziem said...

Well said Pam!

Anonymous said...

Winning the the hearts and the minds of the enemy.

War is hell. Especially when it's a needless war that didn't have to be.

You do that to my kids and I won't stop trying to kill you until you kill me.

Strap it on.

DivaJood said...

SOME of the neocons believe that if they fight their wars on foreign soil, then our children won't look like those in the image you display. I believe there are some neoconservatives who actually are still human beings. Unfortunately, they are led by people like Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc., who have no conscience, no soul, and are so blatantly cynical that it makes me ill.

We do a disservice when we lump all twenty-three of those neo-conservatives who have a conscience along with the rest of those rat bastards, though.

Ziem said...

Diva, you have a point. lol

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, they would say: "If there ever was a doubt in anybody's mind that we are dealing with the evil, this should clear it. The time is now to stand up against this barbarisim, attack on the civilized world and our way of life.

We are presently launching our nuclear warheads toward seven most likely rogue nations that have harboured ill will toward freedom loving Americans in the past and one of those nations is surely the deserving perpetrator of this unconscionable crime against the humanity. For those six nations that had nothing to do with this, we send our condolences and prayers with the hope that they will understand that this step was necessary and done for the benefit of us all. There is the price to pay and sacrafices to be made for saving us all from the evil."

Ziem said...

"If there ever was a doubt in anybody's mind that we are dealing with the evil, this should clear it. The time is now to stand up against this barbarisim, attack on the civilized world and our way of life."

Which is exactly why, my friend, I demand impeachment. ;o)

Kidding aside, that last paragraph is my greatest fear. Yet I almost know I'll hear it, see it. These "people" have no conscience, no heart, no compassion, no soul. May they rot in hell.

fallenmonk said...

The picture of American children has a lot of flags and coffins not nearly the visual impact needed.

Ziem said...

Fallen, It makes a hell of an impact. My heart breaks for every flag draped coffin. My brother came home in one from Vietnam.

I posted this because of the faces of our "leaders" and the children are little. Just babies that should be swinging on swings and dreaming of becomming a fireman or a doctor. I posted this because of what we took from them and gave them, hope and fear.

I meant no disrespect to our fallen or their famlies. I hope you know that. There are so many hellish aspects to this aggressive occupation...

The picture Pam posted made me cry.