Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Enemy of the People?

Those of you who know me, know my story, you'll see why I needed to post this.

Another Enemy of the People?

Demonstrating our right to peacefully gather/protest/march, puts us on an FBI watch list?
Well, hell! It's no wonder this administration likes the idea of warrantless wiretapping. He isn't looking for terrorists, he's eliminating the opposition - and all in the name of keeping you safe.

Spins, smoke and mirrors, outright lies, secrecy, extreme racism... There it is neocons! This is your man, you voted for him and twice, I might add.

Tell me, are we really that afraid of another attack? And even if we were attacked, it would be nothing compared to the attack the Iraqi's have endured for over four freaking years! Hell , shrub has killed more Americans than those that died on 9/11. I believe the US death toll in Iraq is now pushing 4,000. Don't get me wrong, I am not descrating the memory of the victims of 9/11, I'm saying that this idiots actions and words are.

Wouldn't bringing the orchestrator of 9/11 to justice be more worthy of their memory than invading an innocent country and causing years of death, fear and destruction? Is shredding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights doing the families of these 9/11 victims a great service? Is spying on Americans, for whatever reason keeping us safe while our ports remain open and unguarded? Is stretching our military to it's breaking point and demanding that we, as well as our soldiers and their loved ones be patient and shut up about Iraq being "patriotic"? Is putting a scholar, and ex-marine at that, on an FBI watch list because he's critical about bush & co helping you sleep better at night?

Demand Impeachment! Call you senators and congressmen. Let them know, we DEMAND America back!


Mariamariacuchita said...

Rant on, sista! I do love a good rant on.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ziem, and welcome and thanks for your contribution!!
you have a great blog.
IM me over there any time...hope to get to know you!!!

Peacechick Mary said...

A Princeton professor probably has too much influence for these neocon slugs. I can't figure out why people don't just rise up and demand impeachment. I have called so many times and I will continue. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Did you really expect this administration to treat a decorated war veteran with respect?

He did criticize the chickenhawks, after all.

"That'll do it".

Ziem said...

Why thank you Glenda & I will! You're quite welcome, I'm glad you liked it! It's always my pleasure to get truth out!

Maria, I'm glad you like my rants. Seems all I do lately is rant, call my congresspeople and sign petitions! lol

Ziem said...

Mary, I am! lol

Stram, I have never seen them treat anyone, other than Carlyle, halliburton and exxon with any respect. Certainly not their pawns or the American or Iraqi people. Did I ever show you mu conclusion?

Using this idiots words against him... "Impeachment? Bring it on!"

Anonymous said...

Wow! Ziem, perhaps you should take your fire brad oratory on the front of the White House. In no time at all, you would have thousands of people follow you in storming the place. :->

The Bush-Cheney Administration is so awful by any measure that it leaves one almost wordless and certainly breathless. There have been similar fellows to Bush, especially during the 20th century, but their conducts were straight forward, opressive and open in the dictatorial pursuit. What one saw, one got.

Bush has been talking about the democracy, freedom, love of the nation and God while conducting his dastardly deeds by totally ignoring everything he ever decleared. That is the item that seperates him from the rest of the leader-criminals of the past. And I think, this makes it even worse. Can you imagine, what he would do if there wasn't this little thing called democracy to hold him back? Scary thought.

Ziem said...

"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it." —George W. Bush, July 27, 2001

One of the only true statements he's ever made Pekka. And he's spent six years making his life easier, there's no question about it!

Ziem said...

"Wow! Ziem, perhaps you should take your fire brad oratory on the front of the White House. In no time at all, you would have thousands of people follow you in storming the place. :->"

lol, don't even tempt me!

supergirlest said...

i'm new here... do tell your story - or direct me to it!

Ziem said...

Sure! It's here: http://ziemsviews.blogspot.com/2007/01/one-year-ago.html Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste. I haven't posted the rest of it yet, but I will. I promise.

fallenmonk said...

We are at the cusp of whether America lives or dies. As we push Bush further and further into the corner of irrelevancy we will see more of this desperate attempt to keep the truth from raining on his parade. Until he is gone we cannot rest in highlighting his crimes. Keep on ranting lady.

Ziem said...

lol, thanks Fallen. Until these criminals are swinging - short drop/sudden stop or dressed in unbecomming black stripe suits, I won't, no worries there dear!

Steve Bates said...

Righteous rant, ziem. These folks are utterly out of control, and there's nothing they won't do... and no one they won't do... to retain and extend their power. This is no longer the America of our founders, but it is the situation they anticipated when they provided Congress the power to impeach people like Bush and Cheney. Now is the time.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

I'm just going to shut up you got this covered! Good job my partner in crime! ;-)

Ziem said...

Amen Steve! McCains secretary choked when I called him with my demands - again. That was fun.

lol FTF

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

I would think it would be AWESOME to be on their list!