Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Neil Young - Vampire Bush

Our friend Jim Derosa suggested Neil Young. Here you are Jim! Great song, truthful video. Enjoy!


Pam said...

Great song!!

Yes, please feel free to blogroll me. But only if I can roll you right back ;-). I have a feeling I will be back often!

Peacechick Mary said...

Excellent choice! It is sad how the numbers of dead and wounded gets outdated so fast. But, then that's how the vampires work.

Anonymous said...

It is a great song but nothing tops the Dixie Chicks' "Not ready to make nice", when it comes to songs on the Iraq war fiasco.

It's not only a great song but it's one of the best 'paybacks' I can ever remember.

Toby Keith Sucks!

Anonymous said...

Great way to start the morning.