Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Those Bad Iranians!

It looks as if the axis of evil is actually more civilized than our childish dictator.

Iran intercepted and took into custody fifteen trespassers. I know, it sounds like they did a bad, bad thing. However, if you look at what we have done to their neighbor, would you blame them for being cautious?

Iranian state television said the 14 men and one woman, who were seized while on patrol in the northern Persian gulf on March 23, would leave Iran on Thursday. An Iranian official in London said they would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran.

Ahmadinejad's surprise announcement came at a news conference shortly after he pinned a medal on the chest of the Iranian coast guard commander who intercepted the sailors and marines.

The Iranians did not hold these people in secret prisons, did not torture them. The kept them safe and well and are releasing them. I could get rather sarcastic here, but I won't. I just hope that every American out there learns a lesson from this. We are not as great and moral and civilized as we pretend to be.


Adair Seldon said...

Who is going to release the American hostages from Bushco? Maybe we'll have to seek asylum in Iran.

Ziem said...

lol. I'll pack, save me a seat!

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

Reminds me of when I saw the Disney movie 'Pocahontas' and she spoke of how the settlers came in here with their guns and their anger and their killing...and Pocahontas asked, "And you call US savages?"

Payback's a bitch!

Thanks for the compliment on my rants Ziem. U rock too! I love ur videos!

Anonymous said...

"I just hope that every American out there learns a lesson from this. We are not as great and moral and civilized as we pretend to be."

Precisely, my friend, precisely! This axis of evil horse manure, despite of it's catchy shortness, is symptomatic of what has been wrong with this goofball administration. The easily digestable slogans coming out like from some sort of a broduction line to mask the complexeties and to hide the truth. It's a fundamental battle between good, which is us, against bad, that is anybody who disagrees with us.

My Goddess, it almost worked for a while till it became painfully clear how empty this unfortunate invention (David Frum's?) of Axis of Evil really is!

Ziem said...

Pekka, if you need a good laugh, try this... It has been decided that the phrase " World War on Terror" is no longer allowed. Seems they don't want to "mislead" us. (incert a lot of profanity here)

PS: Crosby is good, but not great. Now, Brodeur is great. Pecca (no pun intended) is Great. Yashin could have been great, Hossa, Recchi, Alfredsson, Gomez are all great players. The lil' guy has a lot to learn, but I agree... he is on his way to greatness.