Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Good for the Goose?

I am not now, nor have I ever been a fan of Don Imus.

I have sat on and thought about and then re-thought my position on his firing. I'm still bouncing. The one thing I still agree on, is that these rules should be followed by all.

In the Southwest, everyone has a story of heavily pregnant women crossing the Mexican border to deliver their "anchor babies." At East Coast hospitals, tales of South Korean "obstetric tourists" abound. (An estimated 5,000 South Korean anchor babies are born in the US every year). And, of course, there's a terrorism angle.

Was that offensive? How about this one?

Coulter writes that Democrats "choose only messengers whom we're not allowed to reply to. That's why all Democratic spokesmen these days are sobbing, hysterical women. You can't respond to them because that would be questioning the authenticity of their suffering." As an example, she cites the Jersey Girls, four World Trade Center widows who argued for the commission to investigate 9/11. Then she directly questions the authenticity of their suffering, saying they are "reveling in their status as celebrities... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' death so much."

Okay, what about this?

During a speech Thursday at a GOP event, Todd Rokita said 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat.

"How can that be?" Rokita said. "Ninety to 10. Who's the master and who's the slave in that relationship? How can that be healthy?"

State Rep. William Crawford, who is black, said Rokita's statement suggested blacks are ignorant and uninformed.

Maybe this?

Rev. Jackson, the one protesting outside an NBC studio last week, once referred to Jewish people as “Hymies” and to New York as “Hymietown.” You can look it up in the Washington Post in January 1984.

O'Reilly sexually harasses a woman, he slams her on his show... and *poof!* all gone! the magic of Fox news at its best.

What about the shit that spews from his mouth? What about Rush, our moral authority drug addict? What say him? Shouldn't Sterns be swinging from the Neocon gallows by now?

I am most certainly not defending what Imus said. Not at all. Any one who knows me knows, without a doubt, I hate any and all forms of racism. The above is a very short list. We all know, within the last three years alone, we could fill pages!.

So, why Imus? Why is this filling ever single airwave? Hell, it even took over the Anna Nichole baby, DNA, who's the daddy story! Remember, I am not defending him. Rokita made his whoops-ie last week. Did you hear about that? Was that being aired on all stations? Did every reporter repeat the phrase over and over and... Now, that is my point!

Is this another smoke and mirror, slight of hand media help for the GOP?

I agree Imus needed to apologize and hell, fire him for it. But fire them all. Liberty and justice for all seems to suddenly be a fairy tale here. Why should a "shock-jock" wanna be hack be held to higher standards than journalists and those in government?

I find that question frightening. Don't you?


Anonymous said...

You scare me sometimes, nah, make it often, with your musings, Ziem! Damn, if I don't have the same take on this, real or other wise, outrage!

It is if one is watching a stage production of a not so good drama with the cast of player who perform their lines with widely different success and effect. Some of them manage to be so unauthentic that drama is having a hint of slap stick in the mix.

There are days, that I am happy to live outside of the U.S.A.. You need a politically correct manual to guide you through the day, such are some of the sensiteve issues there. Yet, in another hand, as you so rightly pointed out, anything goes somewhere else. Confusing, unequal, inconsistant and sometimes ridiculous is as I find it.

I have never heard Imus, but that is not the point here, is it?

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

The same standard should be held for all. The days of double-standards should be gone. I like what Maya Angelou said. Check out her video on my blog if you hadn't already. She naild it succinctly.

Pam said...

I do find it frightening.

For some reason, Imus was chosen to make an example of. How Rush, Ann, BillO etc. get away with it day after day is beyond me. All I can think is that it was young college girls just minding their own business who got called whores and had their appearance demeaned. It was a particularly nasty statement. But just as bad and worse is said every day.

Oh and before this, I had never heard of him either.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

As usual, good job! I thought the same thing when this mess started. WHY is it ok for the "Wicked Witch of the Repugs" to say "faggot" but it's not ok for Imus to say "Nappy headed hoe"? I'm not saying he was right because he is not, but people are making a huge deal out of this when there are others that say worse. I agree with PTC the double standard should be gone!

Ziem said...


Donnie McDaniel said...

Imus often gave a platform for some Dems. This my friends, is payback for the Coulter outrage. This is sick on a new level. Imus should have been taken to task a long time ago. Like so many others that you have mentioned.

Vigilante said...

Donnie, Imus provided a platform where the political elites from either party could meet. That's why many of them are silent now. They are embarrassed. Even my son thinks this is "a tempest in a teapot".