Tuesday, April 17, 2007

United We Stand

I know it seems I've been derelict in my duties lately, and for that I apologize. I have an URI and all I seem to care to do is sleep. Except in times like this.

We have sat back and watched the double-standard corruption of a stolen presidency. We have screamed "enough!" and our voices were cast aside under the guise of "patriotism". We have sat on the sidelines, bound and gaged, as this administration led us into an illegal war and defied engineers who demanded the levees of New Orleans be replaced. My God! Spend money there?? What about the Carlyle group? Halliburton? .... wait.... I mean the troops...

We fought for truth when we heard the lies, we fought for honesty in the middle of corruption. We stood for sanity while they insisted we be afraid and pointed at maps calling blobs WMD's. We heard the people cry over their flag draped coffins while they used them as pawns for political gain. We heard "stay the course" while mothers, Iraqi and American, wept. We heard, "...in the last throws.." and knew lies. We heard, "troop surge" and saw truth.

The only thing we have not seen, the only thing we have not heard these last seven years in hell, is justice. We have demanded, cried and begged for it. Now, with the power of the pen, we may see it.

Please join me. Sign this, pass it to your readers, your friends, your enemys, anyone, everyone. The time is now to end the madness, the corruption. The last mother has cried out at the needless death of her child. The last child has wept at his parents grave site. The time is now for the American people to stand up and demand to be heard. The only way for us to be heard, is in one voice.


Donnie McDaniel said...

Great post Ziem. I think everyone is tired of getting pushed around. It's time to back that school yard bully down.

Ziem said...

Thanks Donnie. I was thinking of cross posting this to Katrinacrat. What say you to this?

I apologize to you too. I've been too sick to do much of anything. In fact, today was the first day I felt semi-human. Next thing you know, I'll be doing the dishes while my husband watches tv again.. ;o)

Anonymous said...

bush is the first imposed president in history to agressively strike first at an already subdued former enemy on a known lie of WMD's and "yellow cake" uranium from Nigeria and "links" to al Quaeda.

When bush said he was a uniter and not a divider, as usual, he was wrong.

The only ones he united was anyone who is a repuke-lican and never questioned his motives while he and his henchmen demonized and labeled anyone who had different ideas that didn't involve armed conflict.

I say bring back the draft and sign up his daughters first, if he's so patriotic. If he and his goons feel that strong to point fingers and call us unpatriotic, draft all of their sons and daughters and unite them with the Democrats fighting overseas.

From what I have read, heard, and seen when I was in the region, many young enlisted and junior officers that are going home have told me they no longer want to vote republican. When they've see what I've seen and do what I've done, you can't deny the lies that lay before you.

I have always voted logically, even in the Navy, and voted Democrat or anyone who wasn't republican. I never lie to my subordinates nor silence their opinion as they do in the Army and Marines.

The go-it-alone Texas transplant, self-proclaimed war president, is having a difficult time explaining his lies to a new congress that oversights his budget. It was very suspicious when most republican earmarks, (money to spend), were removed from the budget when the Democrats took over the House and Senate.

We have been trying to unite the country with truth, but there are those who prefer the lie and willing to sacrifice us in the process.

One has to wonder, "How will history really see him, and how will he be portrayed in his "presidential" library?

We must keep reminding everyone of the facts before historians forget.

A Democrat who shoots back.

Ziem said...

gunner: I love your writing and logic! You need to be praised for your service and shrub needs to be impeached for sending you into harms way when it was NOT absolutely necessary. He loves to slam libs for their anti-war views, yet it is us that want you to have the armor and funding you need. It is we who want you safe and home. Mr doublestandard and his ilk have put you, and all Americans in great danger. All under the illusion of "safety".

Ever thought of blog writing........?? I do know a good one....

Unknown said...

It's a pleasure to have you respond to me directly. I love your blogs because you've hit everyone of them correctly.

Research upon research makes a good writer.

There is a voluntary recall to all branches, and I might be leaving again at the end of this month.

I proudly go to defend your rights to speak the truth and expose the criminals who are running our country into the ground like the Arabusto oil company this nation has turned into.

Sadly, it will take a long time for our country to regain its credibility

Vigilante said...

Ziem: I signed. Thanks for the link.

Gunner: You're right. This country cannot be set right during my life time. {Ctrl}{Alt}{Delete} will not do it.

Ziem said...

Be well and be safe gunner. I will be here with our friends fighting for your safe return. I promise you we will fight for peace and justice. We will protest and scream and stamp our feet and sign petitions and demand impeachment. We will honor you and the fallen, we will demand truth from an untruthful administration. We, unlike the neocons, really do support our troops.

If you need anything - you let us know.

sumo said...

I signed...but I think I had already...but who cares...they need to know how serious people are on this thing.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

GREAT POST! I signed the End Iraq War & Impeach Shrub/Prick petitions! Thanks for the link! I too will be fighting for Peace & Justice screaming until someone listens! With MY cousin headed out to Iraq, and with gunner going BACK I am MADDER than ever. ITMFA!!!!

Peacechick Mary said...

For God's sake - cross post it everywhere. We need this word out as quickly as possible. I signed it yesterday. You are on fire with this one!

Peacechick Mary said...

I just put up a link to this post. Hope we get more, more, more.

Mary said...

Good post. I signed. I have so had enough of this.

Paul said...

Thanks for spreading the word Ziem.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

I am proud to say GunnerGM is my first cousin and his brother's blog is grind my gears. Gunner is active reserves and yes, will probably be recalled.

Fuck Bush. Fuck the gop.

Ziem said...

Well said Anj!!

You should be proud. As I am that he graced my little blog with his wise words.

Thank you for helping me spread this and for signing. Together, we can end this. Remember, all we need is one voice. Just ask 13 colonies, Nelson Mandela....... Together, we can move mountains!

Pam said...


Donnie McDaniel said...

No need to ask me if you can cross post it. Why the hell do you think I sent the invite? Silly sick you!

GunnerMan, I have to disagree with you on that. When Bush said he was a uniter, he told the one truth he has the whole time. He is uniting everyone in universal hatred of him!

Hey Anj, tell your cousins to email me. Might as well get them to cross post at my place too. Hell, my Technorati ranking is a little up there, so lets get the word out.

For those that don't know, I also front page at The Democratic Daily. I sometimes do blogger highlights there. I cut my blogging teeth at The Democratic Daily after the storms. I was a confessed Republican, and they led the way for my path that you see today!

Go back and see the very first post I did on my blog. I think you might be suprised.

Faded said...

Excellent post, Ziem!

Unknown said...

Hello Donnie,


I forgot about that part of the 'uniter'.


GM1 Martinez