Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wiretapping Terrorists?

Would you be shocked if you found out that this administration was spying on anti-war groups? Would it shock you that this is, in part, part of the terrorist watch program, the one with all of the warrantless wire tapping? No? Me either.

If Bush is refusing to get a warrant to tap your phone, then it can't be for a "real reason." Similar to his refusal to go under oath, he won't because he most certainly isn't going to tell the truth.

The Pentagon's new intelligence undersecretary is recommending the Defense Department shut down a controversial classified database that has been criticized for improperly collecting information on anti-war groups and citizens.


The database has been under critical review since it was publicly disclosed in December 2005.

Anti-war groups and other organizations, including a Quaker group — the American Friends Service Committee — protested after it was revealed that the military had monitored anti-war activities, organizations and individuals who attended peace rallies.

Pentagon officials last year said the program was productive and had detected international terrorist interests in specific military bases. But they also acknowledged that some workers may not have been using the system properly.

So, peaceful anti-war protesters are actually terrorists in disguise?

Why are we so eager to lay down our civil liberties? Why isn't the public storming the castle over this? Why do we not care? Are we that afraid? Or, do we just not care?

A wise friend told me (I don't actually know how accurate this is, but...) the attacks of 9/11 took ten years from planning to execution. With a grin, he remarked it was "Bush to Bush". He also, in his infinite wisdom, declared that if this warrantless wiretapping was working here.... maybe we should try that in Iraq, rather than this so-called "surge". I think he may have a point.

The TALON reports — collected by an array of Defense Department agencies including law enforcement, intelligence, counterintelligence and security — are compiled in a large database and analyzed by an obscure Pentagon agency, the Counterintelligence Field Activity. CIFA is a three-year-old outfit whose size and budget are secret.

Last year, a Pentagon review found that as many as 260 reports in the database were improperly collected or kept there. At the time, the Pentagon said there were about 13,000 entries in the database, and that less than 2 percent either were wrongly added or were not purged later when they were determined not to involve real threats.

Pissed off yet?


fallenmonk said...

Much to my shame I used to do this for a living. The government has been spying/collecting data on Americans for a long time. I can guarantee that from 1968 to 1975 because it was me that was doing it.
The difference is that then we used the data we collected to improve our security. Today Bush and company are using the data to punish their enemies. Big difference.

Unknown said...

It is a very big difference because it undermines the security of anyone who has a different opinion or speaks out against "the party".

Stalin did it and resulted more than 50 million of his citizens and officers missing, sent to gulags, or executed.

Hitler: 4 million plus mental or neurological patients euthanized, the holocaust of the Jewish people, both German citizens and foreign nationals, roughly over 6 million, 1.2 million gay and lesbian German citizens, and 2 million slavic citizens of occupied countries.

Pol Pot: 18 million and counting of his own citizens, systematically killed or worked to death for fear of being overthrown.

the list goes on, but the main reason never changed: fear of the 'enemy'.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Pissed of yet? Hell, I've BEEN pissed off. Everything I've been taught about our country is a lie.
Creeping Fascism anyone?

Mariamariacuchita said...

Nothing they do would shock me.

Rebel Reaper said...


Did you know that Donnie was selected with about four or five others, out his whole series in bootcamp for a top secret job? He turned it down after doing all the paper work. Ask him about it, he might tell you something.

Pam said...

BEYOND pissed off!

Sorry for my absence as of late. I've been too busy to blog stalk. I have some catching up to do!

sumo said...

Not surprised at all. I'll find out in August if I'm on the no fly list which would not surprise me at all. I'll just drive to Washington if I have to.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

That doesn't surprise me in the least! These BASTARDS think anyone who is against Shrub's lie is a terrorist. Screw them if they had done their job to begin with we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. I'm with U.L. I've BEEN pissed off!