Monday, April 23, 2007

Terrorism With a Human Face

Let me introduce you to one of my biggest pet peeves. Any and all news agencies that bother to tell me what the pope, Vatican or any religious leader thinks. I don't care. But this, this is a new low, even for the self-serving religious right.

"terrorism with a human face."

What, if anything does that phrase mean to you? To me, it's Bush's carnage on the Iraqi people, it's the lack of honesty and respect this administration has given our troops, our people. It's the sheer lack of caring for those in need, for the working parents without enough food for their children, without health care. It's the victims of Katrina, ignored, homeless, still in pain over the loss of property and loved ones.

To the Vatican? That phrase means Gay marriage and abortion.

Of course, what can you expect from a religion who named one of Hitlers Youth the pope? Do these people bother to even look at what is being done in Gods name in Iraq? Darfur? The KKK? Oh hell no. There's no money in it.

The Catholic Church is the wealthiest business in the world. All tax free, I might add. The hypocrisy and carelessness of the Vatican and this administration belong together. Neither one can see the reality of their "vision" yet they chose to point at a woman's right to quality health care or a basic human right, like marriage and call that "terrorism". Neither of which has a single ounce of reality scrambling about their collect brain. Neither of which belong in government. Both should just step aside, shut up and leave the worlds pain and realities to the sane and rational, to those who care, not just claim to to our face and do whatever money dictates behind our backs.

These actions, these words from the Pope and this administration is the true "terrorism with a human face."


Unknown said...

The Roman Catholic Church has always been a tool of politics because of their stance on such issues of abortion, women's rights, and alternate lifestyles like gay and lesbianism.

These are the same qualities the shrubicans base their "moral" principles on. But, they choose a branch of that religion to call their own.

It's amazing that the shrubicans can extoll the virtues of one of the oldest religions and give credit to a branch of it and call it their own. Great Britain already has a 'state church' called the COE, (Church Of England) which are mainly prodestant.

The shrubicans are trying to establish their own church modeled after Englands, COA, which consists of Methodists and Presbytarians.

No religion is the right religion if they force their influence into politics, especially all of the ones mentioned in this blog. It's even worse when politicians resort to using religion to get votes.

This is political terrorism yet to be explored extensively, and its face is shrub & co.

Peacechick Mary said...

When I read that, I was stunned. I am so freaking tired of the word "terrorist" being thrown around like cheap toilet paper. I'm sure if the pope saw a gay couple, he would drop dead in terror. I see he didn't include pedophiles in his list of suspects.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

The cathylicks have absolutely no crediblity. They protect pedophiles but go against, adult, consenting homosexuals who have not broken any least secular laws, not their narrow-bigoted stupid biblical bullshit laws.

Fuck the catholic church! They are the cover of 'La Cosa Nostra'.

Anonymous said...

HEY! HEY! Cool it people, there is a reason why Catholic Church needs lots and lots of dough! Some of those castles in Vatican suck up euros like an old Hoover, not to mention of those centuries old, mammoth cathedrals.

Paul said...

I used to be Catholic. That was a long time ago, when I was young and got dragged to church against my own free will. Before they exonerated Galileo and admitted that the earth circled the sun. I don't know why, but even as a small kid, I knew they were full of crap.

Ziem said...

I'll tell you a story Pekka.

My brother in law was born just outside of Rome. At the age of twelve, he, with his family moved to the states and became citizens. He was raised Roman Catholic and my sister converted so they could be married in the Catholic church. For their honeymoon, he took my sister to Rome.

Being the mid-eightys, he had longer hair and being summer, we was wearing knee length shorts and sandals. He took my sister to the Vatican. They wouldn't allow him entrance due to his long hair and sandal clad feet. He said, "Jesus had long hair and sandals. Would you turn him away too?"

The answer was, "If he was dressed like you, yes."

My brother in law, a secret service man attached to Lieberman, is no longer associated with the Catholic church.

Ziem said...

This is true, they condone pedophiles, as long as they are priests, of course. They backed Hitler in the 30's and 40's and refused refuge to the abused and downtrodden during the Spanish civil war.

Yeah, word of God, my ass!

Ziem said...

Paul, you sound just like my husband! ;o)

I was raised Methodist. I turned my back on the church when I was told "homosexuals could not enter the house of God." I've never been back.

I don't know what God these people are talking about, I really don't!

Pam said...

**applauding loudly*** at your post AND the comments.

I see he didn't include pedophiles in his list of suspects. EXACTLY!! I can also echo what Paul said. I am a proud ex-catholic. I cannot support any religion or organizations that ignores & covers up child abuse in it's highest ranks, discriminates against women and homosexuals, and tries to control people's reproduction for them. Old white men who are (supposed to be) celibate need to stay the HELL away from my uterus!!

Ziem said...

lol Pam and Amen Lady!!! Well said!

fallenmonk said...

The catholic church and other religions offer people a sanctuary from from tough moral decisions. If you follow along all your difficult decisions in life are made for you. For many people this is OK and for many people this is not OK. If you are courageous enough to accept the results of your convictions then you are likely to reject the "apparently safe" comfort of religion.People who allow themselves to grow spiritually almost always outgrow the need for formal religion.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Standing ovation! Excellent post. As a "recovering catholic," I hear ya loud and clear.

Frederick said...

I always thought PFC Lyndie England's prisoner on a leash was a good example of, "terrorism with a human face."

Anonymous said...

The attack by Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith....

This fucking guy. This office used to be called The Grand Inquisitor...I'not the put a more "human face" to the name.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

That is EXACTLY why I am no longer a Catholic! I don't believe you go to hell based on who you love. If that's the case however and if we're all a bunch of "terrorist" than I will gladly see them and their pedophiles in hell.

If you want to get mad go check out what Fake Bailey Hutchison sent me!

azgoddess said...

gunnergmm pretty much said it -- great post and i love your comments!

i learned a lot about the fake terrorists they spew out in order to keep the military industrial complex running smoothly from

the power of nightmares...

Anonymous said...

the catholics i know are pretty nice people. i sense a lot of anger in this blog. if i had to hang out with one of them or one of you, i'd choose the catholic.

FunkyTown Fighter said...

You know what Anonymous if your that damn scared to leave your name, than yeah I suggest you do go hang out with them because your a coward who blinds himself to the truth just like them!
P.S. You better hurry up and go to confession before you go to Hell for checking out this blog. DUMBASS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Anonymous obviously had something to say, but instead chose to pity us.

It is not us you should pity, but we who should pity you because you chose to keep turning your cheek in the face of falsehood that keeps slapping you to conform to being led to submission of what this administration has wrought upon this great nation and our civil liberties.

Believe it or not, we're voicing our displeasure not just on this and other blogs, but to our civil and federal representatives, hoping to save our eroding freedoms from those who mask their true agenda.

Those who choose you, the sacrficial lamb, to be thrown into the illegal war we are fighting.

Those who have used religion to get your vote, then not follow through the promises that gained your support.

If you truly want to support me, fighting your war, I'll be glad to sign you up for my next deployment once you have completed boot camp.