Monday, April 2, 2007

We, the People

I am not sure what's wrong with the Iranians. Don't they know we are a civilized nation and will not stand for mistreatment, let alone holding prisoners against their will? Making that poor woman wear a black scarf over her head, how dare they! We would never do or even think about such things! Or.. would we?

A British resident released from Guantanamo Bay after being held for more than four years has said that the US failed to observe fair legal processes at the detention camp.

Bisher al-Rawi, an Iraqi national and British resident, had been held at the US military base in Cuba since 2002, but was reunited with his family this weekend in England.

"Allegations are made against you that are laughably untrue, but you have no chance to prove them wrong. There is no trial, no fair legal process," al-Rawi said in a statement on Sunday.


"[Al-Rawi] has been held in Guantanamo Bay in total isolation – lights on, 24 hours a day, in a six-foot by eight-foot cell," he said.

Al-Rawi said in his statement issued through Reprieve that he wanted to advocate for the remaining British citizens held in Guantanamo Bay.

"I hope everyone who believes in justice and the rule of law will join with me to work for the release of Jamil and the other British residents," he said.

Britain has secured the release of all nine of its citizens who were held at Guantanamo but says the release of nine others who were resident in Britain but not nationals is not it's responsibility.

Responsabitity. Now, there's a word bushco doesn't understand. Accountability is another.

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday from Guantanamo detainees who want challenge their five-year-long confinement in court, a victory for the Bush administration’s legal strategy in its fight against terrorism.

A victory? Fight against terrorism?

A federal appeals court in Washington in February upheld a key provision of a law enacted last year that strips federal courts of their ability to hear such challenges.

At issue is whether prisoners held at Guantanamo have a right to habeas corpus review, a basic tenet of the Constitution that protects people from unlawful imprisonment.

We demand the Iranians release the fifteen prisoners they have. Yet, we do not. Some at Gitmo have been held for five years.

We call the Iranians terrorists. Yet it is we who terrorize nations.

We celebrated the hanging of Saddam. Yet bush & co. has more blood on their hands than Saddam did.

We wave a flag and swear to God. Yet, we advocate torture. We murder, we lie, we judge, we hate. We allow spying on American citizens without just cause, without warrants. We do not care about others less fortunate, if it means using our money to care, yet we have no objection to using billions of our future children's tax dollars to murder in the middle east.

We are 28% of a country. We are the last remaining sheep of the bush administration. We care not. We are afraid. We are told to be afraid, therefore we are. We are told people want to kill us. Therefore they do. We do not bother to look back at the days leading up to 9/11. We place blame on the Clinton administration, because we are told to. We do not learn from past leaders mistakes and knowledge. We are afraid. We are civilized.


Progressive Texas Chicano said...

There's a term that directly applies to this situation:

kakistocracy: government ran by the worst citizens.

time for a fucking revolution IMO.

Great post. Extremely astute!

Ziem said...

Revolution, Impeachment, public hangings.... I don't care which as long as it ends.

Donnie McDaniel said...

The NOLA bloggers have mentioned storming the Bastille on the anniversary of that event in July. Things might get really deep here soon. Something has to give soon. Our country cannot take a whole lot more.

Peacechick Mary said...

Never in my wildest nightmares had I ever thought things could get this bad in our country. I've also never felt as defeated in trying to stop this out of control rogue group of thugs. We must impeach or do something to stop this. Well written post, Ziems.

Anonymous said...

Terry Jones, a reporter for The Guardian has this to say;

"It is a disgrace. We would never dream of treating captives like this - allowing them to smoke cigarettes, for example, even though it has been proven that smoking kills. And as for compelling poor servicewoman Faye Turney to wear a black headscarf, and then allowing the picture to be posted around the world - have the Iranians no concept of civilised behaviour? For God's sake, what's wrong with putting a bag over her head? That's what we do with the Muslims we capture: we put bags over their heads, so it's hard to breathe".

Ziem said...

Pekka: I love that!!

Donnie & Mary, I agree, something's got to break somewhere. These morons keep digging and digging our grave, pretty soon, we'll all fall in. The new congress gives me some hope. At least, it seems, they are crawling out from under the battered wife syndrome and growing a back bone. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

sumo said...

I wrote to Boxer and Feinstein today about doing what the American citizens wanted. That's why they got elected. Out of Iraq now! If you betray our trust we will not forget it at the voting me. was long and truthful and demanding. I know I'll get a form letter...and I just won't read it. I like your spunk Ziem...really like it.

Ziem said...

lol, why thank you sumo.

I wrote to Hilary when I was a New Yorker. I demanded the troops home and the impeachment process to begin. I was shocked, no form letter. She said she agreed with me, except that she believes phasing out the troops is better. Then she went on to say that they had enough to impeach bush but not cheney. So, be careful what you wish for...