Friday, April 13, 2007

Where'd They Go?

How long is 18 minutes? How long is 18 minutes missing from your favorite CD? How long was an 18 minute gap on Nixon's tape? Being a betting person, I'll bet it's actually not quite as long as this White House losing five million e-mails. Nope, that was not a type-o. 5,000,000 How in the hell do you "lose" them? Only one word comes to my mind. DELETE.

In the Nixon era, 18 minutes lost on a tape meant a few prison sentences and an impeachment (or would have been if Nixon had not resigned.)

Flash forward 30ish years, what will 5,000,000 "lost" subpoenaed e-mails mean? My guess? Nothing, the Presidential Records Act calls for the saving, not the deletion, of White House records. Looks like a crime has been committed here. Yet we all know what happens next - nothing.

Senate Judicial Committee Chairman Pat Leahy requested information from the White House regarding the recent firing of 8 U.S. attorneys. Amazingly, the newspapers tell us:

FIVE MILLION e-mails were lost by the White House according to a just released report from CREW called "WITHOUT A TRACE: The Missing White House Emails and the Violations of the Presidential Records Act." FIVE MILLION...that's insane.
Maybe it's insane for the rest of us. Not for the Bush White House. In any even, does anyone believe this?
Not Leahy:

“They say they have not been preserved. I don’t believe that!” Leahy shouted from the Senate floor. “You can’t erase e-mails, not today. They’ve gone through too many servers. Those e-mails are there, they just don’t want to produce them. We’ll subpoena them if necessary.... Like the famous 18-minute gap in the Nixon White House tapes, it appears likely that key documentation has been erased or misplaced. This sounds like the Administration’s version of ‘the dog ate my homework.’”

The secretive government is at it again!

Bush decided that many White House emails would contain "politically sensitive" information and should not get into the hands of pesky Democrats. So, several top officials were issued laptops with which they could tie into the email system of the RNC. This they used whenever the occasion called for it. Pretty neat, eh?

Have we had enough yet?


Paul said...

Had enough yet? No way! You can't make this up, it is toooo funny!

Ziem said...

Make a hellava' soap, eh? lol

Anonymous said...

At first, I was willing to chalk up this whole disappearing act with the supernatural occurrences which take place when I launder my socks. At the second thought, I realized, that this is not losing socks in my washer or dryer but the disapperance of the e-mail by the administration of the greatest nation on earth. For a dumb ass, such as your truly, a dissapearnace of socks is inexcusable but understandable. The White House to lose it's e-mails would be not only inexcusable but also totally unbelievable. But then again, I am a bit of a skeptic.

Peacechick Mary said...

Interesting that Rove's involvement with the CIA Leak is also tied into those "missing" e-mails. They probably use that e-mail server for all things illegal.

Mariamariacuchita said...

Send them the subpeonas!!

Pam said...

This administration is made up of much bigger crooks than Nixon's. And they are ARROGANT. They think they are invincible.

I hope they are wrong.

Anonymous said...

What emails?

Ziem said...

lol, aileron? dana? is that you??

Ziem said...

Me too Pam.

If these were deleted, it's a federal offence. Hang them all.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

The audacity that this administration has is only surpassed by the supreme hall pass that the American people keep giving this damn crooked administration.

The MSM does a great job of distracting the masses with Anna Nicole, Imus's racial slurs (which btw the media has NO problem repeating verbatim!) and anything Britney.

Turn off WWE and put down your Enquirers America! You're getting screwed with NO lube!

Steve Bates said...

I'm betting these emails will be found. It isn't that easy to delete institutional email. Sure, you can delete it from your inbox and even from your trash folder, but unless the RNC admin is stranger than most, they're either still on a server or else on a backup somewhere.

I stocked up on extra popcorn for when the emails are found. This could be better entertainment than Saturday cartoons...

Ziem said...

I think it's definately going to get interesting from here on out. We now have dick saying the dems will fold on the withdraw and the dems flipping his fat, miserable ass off! Oh yeah! I'm stocking up on the corona, limes and popcorn for all of it!